Eslint plugin for and Healthier is an opinionated linter that only applies non code style related linting rules, which makes it a great companion for code formatters such as Prettier.
Because npm and yarn flattens dependencies, you actually, technically, don't need to install this plugin and can only install eslint-config-healthier. This is to make using this eslint config more convenient. This will be improved when eslint makes it possible for configs to depend on plugins.
npm i -D eslint-plugin-healthier
Healthier plugin depends on the following plugins to expose these to eslint-config-healthier:
- eslint-plugin-standard
- eslint-plugin-node
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-promise
- eslint-plugin-react
By reexporting these plugins, eslint forces us to change the prefix for all those rules to healthier/
. This will be improved when eslint makes it possible for configs to depend on plugins.