Catchment-scale Sentinel-3 processing
This package is a python framework supporting the user in processing Sentinel-3 netcdf files from SARvatore GPOD ( and SciHub ( The framework and equations are detailed in:
Kittel, C. M. M., Jiang, L., Tøttrup, C., and Bauer-Gottwein, P.: Sentinel-3 radar altimetry for river monitoring – a catchment-scale evaluation of satellite water surface elevation from Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,, in review, 2020.
This project contains functionalities including
- crop_raster: extract subsets of larger raster files to speed up processing
- s3_subset_ncdf: subset SciHub NetCDF files to speed up processing'
- s3_preprocessing: Extract all relevant l1b and l2 observations for virtual stations or individual tracks (floodplain processing)
- s3_evaluate
- s3_utils: contains functions used by the other scripts to process the sentinel-3 files
OBS: It is recommended to use at least version 003 of the Sentinel-3 files.
To follow the full workflow from the HESSD paper, additional processing in e.g. QGIS might be required. It is recommended to ensure the following dependencies are installed:
- netCDF4
- geopandas
It is expected that the user has the following shapefiles and rasterfiles:
- Water occurrence map
- Virtual stations shapefile
A test dataset is provided along with the plugin, containing the files required for use, as developed for the HESSD article.
Copyright (C) 2020 Cecile M. M. Kittel ([email protected]) and Technical University of Denmark (