Self Made Portfolio from scratch without the use of templates and Jekyll
Before this website is complete the below must be done:
Change The Profile Image to be a professional LinkedIn PhotoAdd Bulk to the About me Section- Change the project sections to have REAL projects
- Change the size of the project cards to all be the same.
- change the projects section to when hovered over a project card it changes background colors, high lights etc.
- change main landing page to have link
change main landing page to look better- change hamburger menu to work in mobile.
change the forms to be centered.change the landing page to be right sided with a bigger imagechange the logo in the header to be circular- Add the Images to the skills tab with links to those specific languages like react, etc
- Update Resume Download.
Modify the LinkedIN and GitHub Buttons to be smaller- Add a Languge method for projects to be visually appealing and functionality wise able to catergorize projects by language.
Add a Light Mode and Dark Mode Button.