Library for Console projets
- .Net methods for known console commands
- echo, prompt, pause, ...
- mklink, robocopy, ...
- strongly typed command line args (CommandLineArgs class, with CommandLineSwitchAttributes)
- Echo, Get, Set, Start, PopD, PushD, Pause
- PauseIf, Prompt
- MkLink, Robocopy
// echo Hello World
Echo("Hello World")
// echo Hello World>>foo.txt
Echo("Hello World", ToFile("foo.txt", append:true))
// set GREETINGS=Hello World
Set("GREETINGS", "Hello World")
// set /p GREETINGS=Ask Question?
Set("GREETINGS", Prompt("Ask Question?"))
Using CommandLineArgsBase
includes the parser.
public CommandLineArgs : CommandLineArgsBase {
public bool IsHelp { get; set; }
[CommandLineSwitch("-n", Desription="A number")]
public int Number { get; set; }
[CommandLineSwitch("-b", Description="A bool value")]
public bool MyBool { get; set; }
[CommandLineSwitch("-o", Parameter="[<file-name>]", Desription="Optional value")]
public string Output { get; set; }
Auto generated help text:
-? /? --help This help
-n <number> A number
-b A bool value
-o [<file-name>] Optional value