Project background: This project extends the native client-go package to implement the "multi-cluster" client-go SDK(clientSet dynamicClient discoveryClient).
The caller only needs to maintain the config.yaml configuration file.
- Create a resource file in the directory, copy the .kube/config file of the cluster and put it in (remember that the cluster server needs to be changed to "public network ip").
- This project supports insecurity mode, so the certificate-authority-data field needs to be deleted in the config file, otherwise the connection will report an error (it does not need to delete it if it supports TLS certificate). (important!!)
- Multiple .kube/config configuration files can be configured.
- Can read remote kubeconfig and obtain client instance
- Important The configuration file can refer to the configuration in config.yaml. The caller only needs to pay attention to the content in the configuration file.
clusters: # Cluster list
- metadata:
clusterName: cluster1 # Custom cluster name
insecure: true # Whether to enable skipping tls certificate authentication
configPath: /Users/zhenyu.jiang/go/src/golanglearning/new_project/multi_cluster_client/resource/config2 # kube config配置文件地址
- metadata:
clusterName: cluster2
insecure: true
configPath: /Users/zhenyu.jiang/go/src/golanglearning/new_project/multi_cluster_client/resource/config1
- metadata:
clusterName: cluster3
insecure: true
configPath: /Users/zhenyu.jiang/go/src/golanglearning/new_project/multi_cluster_client/resource/config
- metadata:
clusterName: cluster4
insecure: true
configPath: ./config
remoteMode: true # Remotely read kubeconfig mode
remoteNode: # Remote node login information
host: xxx
password: xxx
user: root
port: 22
- use configuration files
func main() {
// 1. Create a file
c, _ := config.BuildConfig("./config.yaml")
multiClient, _ := client.NewForConfig(c)
// 2. It is almost the same as the native client-go when used, except that you need to specify the cluster name.
p1, _ := multiClient.Cluster("cluster1").CoreV1().Pods("default").List(context.Background(), v1.ListOptions{})
for _, v := range p1.Items {
p2, _ := multiClient.Cluster("cluster2").CoreV1().Pods("default").List(context.Background(), v1.ListOptions{})
for _, v := range p2.Items {
p3, _ := multiClient.Cluster("cluster3").CoreV1().Pods("default").List(context.Background(), v1.ListOptions{})
for _, v := range p3.Items {
- Read the remote client instance
func main() {
rn := &client.RemoteNode{
Host: "xxx",
Password: "xxx",
User: "root",
Port: "22",
c ,_ := client.GetClientByRemoteKubeConfig(rn, "./config", true)
p , _ := c.CoreV1().Pods("default").List(context.Background(), v1.ListOptions{})
for _, v := range p.Items {