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Semi-Dense Direct Visual Inertial Odometry

Low Texture Dataset (11 Rosbags, 4.9GB)
Video - EuRoC Dataset
Video - Low Texture Dataset
Video - Flight


In ROS environment, compile the catkin package in RELEASE mode. To run the nodelet using low texture dataset

roslaunch sdd_vio vio_nodelet.launch
roslaunch sdd_vio visualization.launch

then play the bag files. To run with EuRoC Dataset

roslaunch sdd_vio vio_nodelet_euroc.launch

To use your own configuration change the config yaml file and use calibration procedures below.

Calibration file

This package takes in a stereo calibration yaml file as input, and Kalibr format is accepted. An example calibration file looks like follows:

  - [-0.010944628415755053, 0.999681932600619, 0.022721107823566122, 0.02204409545771752]
  - [-0.24433953077738618, -0.024707336115557976, 0.9693749229485756, -0.004840907304875826]
  - [0.9696279744357241, 0.005057783502870783, 0.2445322269511941, -0.014140552900908787]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.00966481, -0.00611693, -0.00043361, 0.00247824]
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [438.327, 438.04, 326.966, 244.717]
  resolution: [640, 480]
  rostopic: /cam0/image_raw
  - [-0.0034837082769738625, 0.999800943534273, 0.019645281484841126, -0.05783642507968116]
  - [-0.23039691655783784, -0.01991935443843984, 0.9728928410464314, -0.004976419765158304]
  - [0.973090501760901, -0.0011369374360561402, 0.23042044778184256, -0.01442186798130469]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  - [0.9999674298999375, -0.00480756708912238, 0.0064827801488079, -0.07981140545]
  - [0.004713793040877623, 0.9998851514964509, 0.014403609705481836, -3.630473e-05]
  - [-0.006551281931192101, -0.014372582094518168, 0.9998752470130735, -0.00020823841]
  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.015658, -0.00162092, -0.000711559, 0.000227274]
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [432.493, 432.041, 319.181, 230.679]
  resolution: [640, 480]
  rostopic: /cam1/image_raw

cam0 is the left camera and cam1 is the right camera. T_cn_cnm1 is the relative transformation from the right to the left camera.

Param file

The parameters for the EuRoC dataset are specified in vo_param_euroc.yaml. For snapdragon and low texture dataset, use vo_param_snapdragon.yaml.