Collection of some useful tools to generate rosbags from raw data, especially for NCLT dataset.
- <> Merge multiple rosbags into one rosbag. You can select to merge all the topics of some of the topics.
- <> Convert .bin files to pointcloud2 in rosbag. The timestamps are the name of .bin files.
- <> Convert raw images to rosbag. The timestamps are the name of .bin files.
- </.RTK2XYZ> Convert RTK csv/rosbag to XYZ csv with multiple options.
- <> Convert Lidar bin (velodyne) to rosbag, topic type pointcloud2.
- <> convert the csv file to rosbag
- <> A script to merge the different rosbag only need the path/to/rosbag/file
Other materials and references:
- FastLio:
- Faster lio: providing some NCLT rosbags(lidar+IMU):
- NCLT dataset: provide scripts to convert raw messages to rosbag (not completed)