A portable http server with a simple API designed for experiment presentation. Bring your own javascript.
Inspired by psiTurk (web, github)
- Present an existing javascript/browser based experiment and record responses to a database.
- Run on cheap/free web hosting (heroku, openshift, self-host) with an eye toward integrating with Amazon Turk
- Easily install and run within software-restricted hospital environments (MS Windows, user level permissions only)
- Development on any OS (unlike, say EPrime)
- you should already have a javascript task in
with at least anindex.html
. The built-innot-found.html
when there is noout/not-found.html
- besides index and not-found, all files in
will be rendered at the/id/task/timepoint/run/
endpoint - put other root level media/pages (e.g. global css and js) in
will be resolve from/mystyle.css
- besides index and not-found, all files in
- start server (see `psiclj -h` for changing port and root path)
- open in browser
These variables will be used if exported. PORT and DATABASE_URL implemented for heroku. HTTPDBPASS used to protect /db and / route. if unset, they will be inaccessible.
PORT=3002 | http server port |
DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:x@localhost:5432/mydb | how to connect to db |
HTTPDBPASS=mylocalpass | access index, not-found.html and /db |
PSQLSSLQUERY=sslmode=disable | useful for devel db |
Minimally, you need a out/index.html
file before running:
clojure -m psiclj
then browse to http://localhost:3001/
- copy with html/media in
in same directory as psiclj.jar (or psiclj.exe w/native image) - create shortcut
- edit shortcut to launch in exe/jar’s directory
specify all the command options in e.g. mytask.bat
and place on the desktop
- consider reading from ini/settings for many tasks? (present on index page)
- might be good to have a gui with a close button to stop instead of an open cmd.exe/bat window
see https://github.com/LabNeuroCogDevel/choice-landscape (esp `Procfile`)
heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/LabNeuroCogDevel/psiclj.git
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql
echo "web: psiclj-heroku -r out/ -v myversionid -t mytaskname" > Procfile
heroku config:set HTTPDBPASS='p@sw0'
- must setup postgresql (sqlite file will not be on a persistent file system)
- default setup looks to environment for
. - if
is set, the/db
will also be accessible. username is ignored
run right from clojure as startup time is unlikely to be the issue it is with free dynamo’s from heroku. set PORT=80
and use the default sqlite3 backend, no postgresql needed.
- the
directory is used for additional root-level routes (e.g http://task.herokuapp.com/testing.html fromout/extra/testing.html
) - from mturk: an example/minimal
. as for not-found.html, place a replacement file of the same name inout/
- ad.html and not-found.html use minimal javascript to redirect to the expected
Running psiclj
alone doesn’t do much. You’ll likely want a javascript task to make use of the very simple API.
- The server looks for
at a specified directory (defaultout/
) and serves it at “localhost:port/id/task/timepoint/run/”. - All resources should use relative paths. Do not use a leading slash. like
<script src="mytask.js">
NOT<script src="/mytask.js">
- API: all HTTP POST requests (also relative) can be made to
response expects json body. upserts into db. expect cumulative responses, e.g each feedback period, send all responses so far. info ideally system info like screen size, browser agent finish any body. disables using same /id/task/timepoint/run# combination again
There are a few libaries that can aid in writing the experiment to be served by psiclj
- jsPsych - many plugins
- psychojs - likely generated by psychopy code builder.
- generic game frameworks
- clojurescript (w/figwheel and devcards! see flappy-bird-demo )
- https://elm-lang.org/
Task settings can be associated with each task name, and pushed onto the anchor part of the url (or used internally by the task javascript). The table permutations
has columns task_name
and anchor
and a request to /anchor/:task
returns json like {:anchor "whatever&is=stored&in_db"}
By default, this is used by ad.html
(via mturk.js
) to set the pop up window’s anchor url part. Paired with DB row entries for mturk HIT IDs, this can be used to run different settings across amazon turk.
Paired with a javascript wrapper/dispatcher, this could also be used to run multiple/separate tasks from a single server instance.
- psiTurk has much better documentation and integration with amazon turk
ExternalQuestion provides an https “ad” url to be loaded within an iframe on the mturk site. The provide url/frame serves 3 separate goals depending on how it is accessed:
- advertise the Human Intelligence Task (assignmentId=ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE)
- launch the HIT (assignmentId=abc123......)
- submit completed work (form POST to externalSubmit, submit page excutes javascript referencing
to escape the iframe)
The pages hosted by psiclj
can be run as an ~ExternalQuestion~ but there is no longer a way to configure that on mturk’s web interface. It must be created using the API. psiturk
does this with the hit create
command. See the mturk docs and psiturk/amt_services.py
schema_url = "http://mechanicalturk.amazonaws.com/AWSMechanicalTurkDataSchemas/2006-07-14/ExternalQuestion.xsd"
template = '<ExternalQuestion xmlns="%(schema_url)s"><ExternalURL>%%(external_url)s</ExternalURL><FrameHeight>%%(frame_height)s</FrameHeight></ExternalQuestion>' % vars()
question = template % dict(
The provided external_url
is embedded in a frame and appends ?assignmentId=...&hitId=...&turkSubmitTo=...&workerId=
Initially, the preview will set assignmentId=ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE
After finishing, mturk expects a POST request that must include assignmentId
. The post back URL depends on live/sandbox status.
live | https://www.mturk.com/mturk/externalSubmit |
sandbox | https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/externalSubmit |
The POST must include at least two fields (e.g. “foo=1” in addition to assignmentId) and be **from within the iframe** – not from e.g. a popup window. mturk’s externalSubmit page runs parent.postMessage
to break out of the iframe.
This pages are provided but will use files of the same name in extra/
if they exist.
ad.html | preview, consent, launch task popup |
consent.html | data use and risk information |
mturk.js | provides taskCompleteCode and functions for getting anchor permutations for a given HIT |
You almost certainly will want to use your own consent language.
Save your own html to out/extra/consent.html
alternatively, you can copy cp ad.html out/extra/
and skip the consent all together with the change
-<body onload="add_consent()">
+<body onload="append_play_link()">
You’ll likely want to change the text there or in mturk.js
Running a task from within the iframe might be too constrained. It’s easy to launch a popup window but amazon wants all the interactions to happen within the iframe.
If in a breakout popup, the javascript winddow.opener
references the original iframe. psiturk uses window.opener.location.reload(true)
. This projects mturk.js
has a function to auto-submit from a popup, used like window.opener.taskCompleteCode("xyz12")
turk | local |
workerId | worker_id |
hitID | task |
assignmentId | timepoint |
# using psyturk
psiturk hit create 10 2.50 24 # 10 workers at $2.50. have 24hours. must have/edit config.txt
psiturk hit list |grep pending # pending when looking at ad in iframe.
# aws python tool
turksand(){ aws mturk --endpoint https://mturk-requester-sandbox.us-east-1.amazonaws.com "$@"; }
turksand list-hits|jq '.HITs|.[]|.HITId'|xargs -r -I{} turksand list-assignments-for-hit --hit-id={}
Task metrics and performance values must be calculated elsewhere. psiclj doesn’t know anything about the structure of any task.
Responses are expected to be uploaded to /response
and will be in the json
column of the run
This is password protected by HTTPDBPASS
environment variable (allows any username). If not set, the page will be inaccessible from the web.
But, it is always accessible without a password from localhost (remote-addr
When run from localhost, /finish
populates finished_at
as normal and also saves out a .json file in the server executable directory.
Presumably, when running on localhost, there is not internet access. Collecting run-info named json files might be easier than merging sqlite databases.
see Makefile
. depends on clojure. building an executable requires native image from graalvm. Setup for heroku in Dockerfile.heroku
outlines a nearly (20220205WF) working windows build pipeline using the free 4Gb IEUser virtualbox image.
also see https://github.com/babashka/babashka-sql-pods/blob/master/bb.edn
and sqlite
(default) are available as of 20211009. Where the DBs differ (upsert), there is specific code for each. see src/all.sql
. sql file is parsed by hugsql (yesql derivative). DATABASE_URL
environment variable is supported for heroku. When it exists, the server use postgresql. DB libaries complicate generating the graalvm native image (static binary).
sudo su - postgres -c "initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'"
#sudo vim /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf # allow for all users
# local all all trust
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo -u postgres createdb testdb
psql -U postgres -h localhost testdb
# DATABASE_URL='postgresql://postgres:x@localhost:5432/testdb
# heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql
xerial/sqlite-jdbc#584 but https://github.com/mageddo/graalvm-examples/tree/59f1f1bf09894681edfddaa100b4504770ad0685/sqlite
the initial version used io/resources
and bundled task data with the bytecode (uberjar or executable). This is great for providing a single executable for the task, but makes a much less flexible tool. It might be nice to provide a build option for revering back to the everything-all-together bundling. psiTurk uses this approach: clone the whole project and modify what you want.
The main driver for this repo is running the same code self-host on the web (mturk and independent recruitment) and a network isolated Windows PC (MRI).
has done a lot of work to integrate with mturk which turns out to be the most complicated piece. Recreating the same endpoints and reusing the psiturk javascript would have been a more efficient use of development resources.
- add Procfile and heroku documentation
- non-defined root level files not seen? would be nice to use figwheel development version
- and /quit route to shutdown server
- pull task names from permutation table
- host multiple tasks? would require rework of @TASKNAME @root-path and routing functions
- possible in javascript using wrapper/dispatcher on taskname/anchor settings