autocmds: added support for copy/paste through ssh. Needs Neovim >= 0.10.0 (21ca466 )
extras: add harpoon2 (#2455 ) (cae22ba )
extras: Add scala support using nvim-metals (#1347 ) (d250261 )
extras: Enable project-specific plugin specs using local .lazy.lua (#2115 ) (b949835 )
hipatterns: add shorthand hex color support (#2562 ) (a8eeb1b )
java: allow opts for setup_dap_main_class_configs() (#2581 ) (a7c16f8 )
lang: add ansible support (#1218 ) (b7da44c )
lang: add Haskell config (#2052 ) (c6c584f )
lang: add support for helm chart templates (#2273 ) (de01a37 )
lang: add telescope terraform integrations (#2235 ) (d57817d )
lsp: added native codelens support. Enable in lsp settings. (disabled by default). Fixes #2656 (780b9bb )
omnisharp: add nvim-dap
configuration (#2532 ) (f23d3ce )
symbols-outline: use outline.nvim instead of symbols-outline.nvim (#2535 ) (a48b14e )
treesitter: add xml to ensure_installed
(#1962 ) (1b0b899 )
ui: dashboard files searches git files if in git repo (#2240 ) (66b3c0a )
Bug Fixes
ansible: incorrect key spec (b2a0ae6 )
autocmds: nvim already binds q to close for man-files (#2594 ) (16d6ac2 )
dot: remove hyprlang plugin (#2623 ) (796112e )
go: adding opts recursive_run (#2520 ) (e8e7d22 )
lang: Change rustacean
keymaps to vim.keymap.set
instead of which-key
(#2660 ) (ed135e6 )
neo-tree: Add description to "Y" in Neo-Tree (#2642 ) (1a41743 )
options: don't lower timeoutlen when in VS Code (#2568 ) (29ed06e )
telescope: anonymous keymap (#1879 ) (36ae421 )
telescope: dont use git_files when .ignore or .rgignore file is present (e7a58d9 )
util.ui.fg: Add link=false
to show effective definition (#2542 ) (5012d7d )
util: clear buffer root cache when cwd change (#2502 ) (8386d23 )
yanky: properly disable sqlite.lua on Windows (#2543 ) (d9f5e6d )
You can’t perform that action at this time.