A plugin to add the podcast namespace to wordpress while using powerpress
I plan on keeping the all the episodic tags in this plug-in because if you were using them and I take them out it will break old episodes that use the tags I have defined. However for show level things please make sure they are only defined in one place, so if you define them in this plugin please dont in powerpress, and likewise if you do them in powerpress dont do them here. For instance I had funding set in this plugin and in powerpress and it duplicated the tag.
To set the channel level item information there is a settings page under Settings->Podcast Namespace
To install please click the latest release and download the zipped file named "Podcast-Namespace-Wordpress-Plugin.zip". Log into wordpress and click plugins and then add and upload to your wordpress installation. This plugin will not get automatically updated so you will want to watch this repo for updates.
- Locked
- Funding
- Contact (Currently only Feedback and Abuse)
- Location
- Podcast GUID
- Value block
- Medium
- Transcript (only json format, to use set a custom field on your post of "transcript" and a value of the url)
- Chapters (only json format, to use set a custom field on your post of "chapters" and a value of the url)
- Person (use the custom form in the post to set the people)
- Soundbite (use the custom form in the post to set the soundbites)
- Location
- Season
- Episode
- Live Item Tag (This tag has its own menu item under the tools menu in wordpress)
If you get value from this plugin and want to toss a few dollars my way you can support the podcast I produce and Host, via paypal Support me