Wireshark dissector (written in Lua) for dissecting the WireGuard tunneling protocol.
This dissector is obsolete, an improved version is included in Wireshark 2.9.x. See this comment for more further instructions.
- Wireshark 2.0.2 or newer (tested with Wireshark 2.3.x).
- luagcrypt and Libgcrypt 1.7 for (optional) decryption support.
The plan is to eventually rewrite this prototype into a dissector that is
included with the main Wireshark sources. An improved version is included with
the current development version (git master, 2.9.x).
Install wg.lua in the Wireshark plugins folder (usually
or ~/.wireshark/plugins/
For decryption support, install luagcrypt in the Lua library path
(usually /usr/lib/lua/5.2/luagcrypt.so
Now try the sample packet capture pcaps/8-trace.pcap and its corresponding keylog file pcaps/8-trace.keys (configure via Protocol Preferences → Keylog file).
As alternative to installing files globally, copy luagcrypt.so to the current working directory and run:
wireshark -Xlua_script:wg.lua -r pcaps/8-trace.pcap -owg.keylog_file:pcaps/8-trace.keys
Since WireGuard does not have a default port number, it is recommended to enable the UDP protocol preference Try heuristic sub-dissectors first (via the menu Edit → Preferences, Protocols → UDP).
The key-probe.sh script enables tracing WireGuard function calls
using kprobes. This raw data must be post-processed with
key-extract.py to produce a keylog file with handshake and
traffic secrets. A kernel with CONFIG_KPROBE_EVENT=y
is required (most distros
satisfy this requirement).
To get started, enable the required tracepoints:
sudo ./key-probe.sh
Next, obtain the trace output and extract keys from it. A one-shot approach that can be executed periodically:
sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace > trace.txt
./key-extract.py < trace.txt > trace.keys
To continuously update the keylog file (useful for live captures, but note that this will erase traces that are read from the file):
sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe | ./key-extract.py > trace.keys
To stop logging more keys, disable the tracepoints with:
sudo ./key-noprobe.sh
The extract-keys
utility included with WireGuard can extract traffic secrets
(for active sessions only) and requires the CONFIG_DEVKMEM=y
option (many
distros such as Arch Linux Linux, Debian and Ubuntu have it disabled).
See contrib/examples/extract-keys
in the WireGuard sources for more details.
Copyright (C) 2017 Peter Wu ([email protected])
This project is licensed under the GPLv2 (or any later version) license. See LICENSE.txt for more details.