Releases: LiiiLabs/goldfish
Goldfish Scheme v17.11.2
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.11.2 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 11.2 (30-Dec-2024)
Goldfish Scheme v17.11.2 will be built-in in Mogan STEM Suite v1.2.9.9.
New Modules (liii lang)
The module improves the usability of Goldfish Scheme significantly
- Functional Data Pipeline like Scala collection or Java Stream API
- Unicode support by
Demo Code for Unicode support
((box "你好,世界") 0) ; => 你
((box "你好,世界") 4) ; => 界
((box "你好,世界") :length) ; => 5
Demo code for functional data pipelines
((box (list 1 2 3 4 5))
:map (lambda (x) (* x x))
:filter even?
:collect) ; => (list 4 16)
((box (vector 1 2 3 4 5))
:map (lambda (x) (* x x))
:filter even?
:collect) ; => (vector 4 16)
Improved define-case-class
is the Scala case class alternative in Goldfish Scheme. For Goldfish Scheme v17.11.2, the only missing feature for define-case-class
is that generating hash-code method automatically.
(define-case-class person
((name string?)
(age integer?))
(define (%to-string)
(string-append "I am " name " " (number->string age) " years old!"))
(define (%greet x)
(string-append "Hi " x ", " (%to-string))))
(define bob (person "Bob" 21))
(bob :to-string) ; => "I am Bob 21 years old!"
(bob :greet "Alice") ; => "Hi Alice, I am Bob 21 years old!"
Goldfish Scheme v17.11.1
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.11.1 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 11.2 (30-Dec-2024)
New Modules
- (liii http)
- (liii json)
Demo code to interact with Deepseek provided by SiliconCloud API:
git clone
xmake config --http=y --yes -vD
xmake b http
bin/http -l http/tests/chat_demo.scm
Important New Functions
- typed-define in (liii base) as an enhanced define* with type check
- define-case-class in (liii case) provides a way to define the case class (Scala) in Goldfish Scheme
(define-case-class person
((name string?)
(age integer?))
(define (to-string)
(string-append "I am " name " " (number->string age) " years old!"))
(define (greet x)
(string-append "Hi " x ", " (to-string))))
(define bob (person "Bob" 21))
(bob 'to-string) => "I am Bob 21 years old!"
(bob 'greet "Alice") => "Hi Alice, I am Bob 21 years old!"
New Contritubors
- Andy Yu
- 邢思宇
- Yifan Lu
- Jiayi Dong
Goldfish Scheme v17.11.0
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.11.0 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 11.2 (22-Nov-2024)
S7 Scheme has been upgraded to 11.x
,as a result, the Goldfish Scheme version bumped from 17.10.x
to 17.11.x
New Modules
(liii argparse)
(liii alist)
New Functions
- path-getsize in
(liii path)
Goldfish Scheme v17.10.9
Goldfish Scheme 17.10.9 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 10.12 (16-Aug-2024)
Goldfish Scheme v17.10.8
Goldfish Scheme 17.10.8 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 10.12 (16-Aug-2024)
Goldfish Scheme v17.10.7
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.10.7 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 10.12 (16-Aug-2024)
You can use Goldfish Scheme v17.10.7 in Mogan STEM Suite v1.2.9.5.
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.10.6 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 10.12 (16-Aug-2024)
Add GoldfishLiterateProgramming.pdf
for interacting with GPT services.
New Command Line options
option to choose the mode of pre-defined modules.
New Functions
in(liii list)
New Modules
(liii vector)
(liii comparator)
(srfi srfi-2)
Goldfish Scheme v17.10.5
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.10.5 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 10.12 (16-Aug-2024)
New functions
- compose, identity in
(liii base)
- check-catch, check-true, check-false in
(liii check)
- any, every in
(srfi srfi-1)
New modules
- (liii case): Pattern Matching
- (liii hash-table), (srfi srfi-125): Hash-table
- (srfi srfi-133): Vector
- (liii stack): Stack
- (liii queue): Queue
Goldfish Scheme v17.10.4
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.10.4 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 10.12 (13-Aug-2024)
New functions
in(liii os)
in(liii base)
Goldfish Scheme v17.10.3
> bin/goldfish --version
Goldfish Scheme 17.10.3 by LiiiLabs
based on S7 Scheme 10.12 (13-Aug-2024)
New functions
in(scheme base)
New modules
(liii base)
(srfi sicp)