The Payum extension. It provides Mollie payment integration.
This library requires PHP 7.1 or higher.
Install this extension as a Composer dependency by requiring it in a composer.json
composer require payhelper/payum-mollie
Register the Mollie Payum factory using PayumBuilder
use Payum\Core\GatewayFactoryInterface;
use PayHelper\Payum\Mollie\MollieGatewayFactory;
$payumBuilder->addGatewayFactory('mollie', function(array $config, GatewayFactoryInterface $gatewayFactory) {
return new MollieGatewayFactory($config, $gatewayFactory);
$payumBuilder->addGateway('mollie', [
'factory' => 'mollie',
'apiKey' => 'api123456', // change this
'method' => 'creditcard', // one of directdebit, creditcard or directdebit_oneoff
To work properly, Mollie gateway requires some additional fields being passed to the details of the payment. See the section below.
Check the documentation for each payment method to find out which fields are requred in order to make use of the methods.
- PayumBundle installation
In order to use that extension with the Symfony, you will need to install PayumBundle first and configure it according to its documentation.
composer require payum/payum-bundle ^2.0
- Register Mollie Gateway Factory as a service
# app/config/services.yml
class: Payum\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Builder\GatewayFactoryBuilder
arguments: [PayHelper\Payum\Mollie\MollieGatewayFactory]
- { name: payum.gateway_factory_builder, factory: mollie }
- Configure the gateway
# app/config/config.yml
factory: mollie
apiKey: api123456 # change this
method: creditcard # one of directdebit, creditcard or directdebit_oneoff
- Gateway usage
Retrieve it from the payum
$gateway = $this->get('payum')->getGeteway('mollie');
This library is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.