A simple weather app for Open-SmartWatch.
This app is now part of the open-smartwatch project. docs
In osw_config_keys.h add
extern OswConfigKeyString weather;
in the namespace OswConfigAllKeys
namespace OswConfigAllKeys { ... ; extern OswConfigKeyString weather;}
In osw_config_keys.cpp add the following line
OswConfigKeyString weather("wtr","weather","encoded weather","","X");
in the namespace OswConfigAllKeys
namespace OswConfigAllKeys { ... ; OswConfigKeyString weather("wtr","weather","encoded weather","","X");}
In the same file add the following declaration
in OswConfigKey* oswConfigKeys[] = {}
OswConfigKey* oswConfigKeys[] = {..., &OswConfigAllKeys::weather}
Add the file weather.cpp to src/apps
Add the file weather.h to include/apps
Add the file DS_DIGI12pt7b.h to include/fonts
Add the app to the main
- It's possible to download the updates only if the WiFi is already enabled and connected before clicking "sync"
- Multiple locations
For the Graphical user interface i took inspiration from the issue 152 and in particular from Kokofruits1's proposal.