A library of open source, free to download, HTML starter templates for Bootstrap
All of the templates and themes featured on Start Bootstrap are up to date for Bootstrap 4!
For more information please visit the website at http://startbootstrap.com.
There are currently 35 themes and templates available on Start Bootstrap:
- Creative - A one page creative theme.
- Clean Blog - A clean blog theme.
- Agency - A one page agency theme.
- Freelancer - A one page freelancer theme.
- Scrolling Nav - A scrolling navigation template.
- Grayscale - A multipurpose one page theme.
- SB Admin 2 - A free Bootstrap admin theme.
- Landing Page - A clean, functional landing page theme.
- Shop Item - An online store item template.
- Shop Homepage - An online store homepage template.
- Business Casual - A fully developed business website.
- SB Admin - A free Bootstrap admin template.
- Portfolio Item - A portfolio item page template.
- Stylish Portfolio - A stylish Bootstrap portfolio theme.
- Simple Sidebar - A Bootstrap sidebar template.
- Modern Business - A multipurpose website template.
- 4 Col Portfolio - A four column portfolio template.
- 3 Col Portfolio - A three column portfolio template.
- 2 Col Portfolio - A two column portfolio template.
- 1 Col Portfolio - A one column portfolio template.
- Full Width Pics - Full width picture backgrounds.
- Thumbnail Gallery - A simple image gallery template.
- The Big Picture - A starter portfolio template.
- Small Business - A simple business Bootstrap template.
- Round About - A Bootstrap about page template.
- One Page Wonder - A simple one page website template.
- Logo Nav - A menu bar with a logo header.
- Heroic Features - A basic Bootstrap home page template.
- Half Slider - A half page image slider template.
- Full Slider - A full page image slider template.
- Full - Full page image background template.
- Business Frontpage - A business home page template.
- Blog Post - A blog post starter template.
- Blog Home - A blog home page template.
- Bare - A Bootstrap HTML starter template.
Code and documentation copyright Blackrock Digital LLC. Code released under the MIT license. Docs released under Creative Commons.