Pre-commit hooks requiring a java
interpreter in the $PATH
The validate-html
hook uses the v.Nu validator:
It can automagically replace mustaches by a default value in order to validate templates.
Currently, only handlebars templates are supported. Please create an issue if you need support for other template engines: the ones where a Python implementation exist should be easy to add.
- repo:
sha: 1.3.10
- id: validate-html
Advanced usage:
- repo:
sha: 1.3.10
- id: validate-html
args: [--remove-mustaches, "--ignore=Expected \"<!DOCTYPE html>\""]
files: ^src/main/html/
With Jinja templates:
- repo:
sha: 1.3.10
- id: validate-html
args: [--remove-mustaches, --mustache-remover=jinja2]
Comme ce hook de pre-commit git utilise v.Nu, il permet de valider le critère RGAA3 1.1 [A] "Chaque image a-t-elle une alternative textuelle ?" en employant le validateur HTML5 recommandé par la norme.
Si vous souhaitez effectuer d'autres validations automatiques de critères d'accessibilité, jetez un oeil à WCAG-Zoo
- HTML Tidy : implemented in C