Installs grafana-operator.
The default installation creates the operator deployment, installs crds and creates Grafana custom resource. See examples in values.yaml to create GrafanaDashboard and GrafanaDatasource custom resources.
kubectl create ns grafana
helm install grafana-operator ./ --namespace grafana
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
operator.replicas | int | 1 |
Operator deployment replicas. |
operator.image.repository | string | |
Repository for grafana operator image. |
operator.image.tag | string | v3.4.0 |
Tag for grafana operator image. |
operator.image.pullPolicy | string | IfNotPresent |
Grafana operator image pull policy. |
operator.createCustomResources | bool | false |
Create CRDs. If you are using Helm version < 2.10 you will have to either create the CRDs first. Helm v3+ will create the CRDs if those are not present already regardless of this value. Use --skip-crds with helm install for Helm v3+ if you want to skip CRD creation. |
operator.args | list | [] |
Arguments that can be passed to the grafana operator command. |
operator.deploymentStrategy | object | {"type": "Recreate"} |
Operator deployment strategy. |
operator.podLabels | object | {} |
Operator pod labels. |
operator.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Operator pod annotations. |
operator.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Operator pod security context. |
operator.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Labels of nodes on which operator pod is scheduled on. |
operator.tolerations | list | [] |
Tolerations for use with node taints. |
operator.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity rules of the operator pod. |
operator.containerSecurityContext | object | {} |
Operator container security context. |
operator.containerPort | int | 8080 |
Operator metrics container port. |
operator.watchNamespace | string | "" |
Namespace that grafana operator watches. If not defined, operator deployment namespace will be used. |
operator.templatePath | string | /usr/local/bin/templates |
Operator's templates path inside container. |
operator.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
Create grafana operator deployment service account. | | string | "" |
Override service account name. Defaults to release name. |
operator.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations to add to service account. |
operator.monitoring.enabled | bool | false |
Create grafana operator ServiceMonitor. |
operator.monitoring.namespace | string | monitoring |
ServiceMonitor namespace. |
operator.monitoring.interval | string | 15s |
ServiceMonitor scrape interval. |
operator.monitoring.path | string | /metrics |
Operator's metrics endpoint path. |
operator.monitoring.port | string | http-metrics |
Operator's metrics service port. |
operator.monitoring.relabelings | list | [] |
ServiceMonitor endpoint relabelings. |
grafana[0].name | string | grafana |
Name of Grafana instance. |
grafana[0].baseImage | string | "" |
Custom grafana image for the grafana deployment. Warning! This overwrites the --grafana-image operator flag. |
grafana[0].initImage | string | "" |
Custom grafana plugins init image for the grafana deployment. Warning! This overwrites the --grafana-plugins-init-container-image operator flag. |
grafana[0].containers | list | [] |
Additional containers to add to the grafana pod. |
grafana[0].secrets | list | [] |
Secrets to be mounted as volume into the grafana deployment. |
grafana[0].configMaps | list | [] |
ConfigMaps to be mounted as volume into the grafana deployment. |
grafana[0].initResources | object | {} |
Describes init compute resource requirements. |
grafana[0].resources | object | {} |
Describes compute resource requirements. |
grafana[0].logLevel | string | warn |
Log level of the grafana instance. Defaults to info if not defined. |
grafana[0].adminUser | string | admin |
Default admin user name of the grafana instance. |
grafana[0].adminPassword | string | admin |
Default admin user password of the grafana instance. |
grafana[0].basicAuth | bool | true |
Defines if basic auth enabled. |
grafana[0].disableLoginForm | bool | false |
Disables grafana instance's login form. |
grafana[0].disableSignoutMenu | bool | false |
Disables grafana instance's signout menu. |
grafana[0].anonymous | bool | true |
Disables or enables anonymous login. |
grafana[0].ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Defines if grafana instance's ingress is enabled. |
grafana[0].ingress.path | string | "" |
Grafana instance's ingress path. |
grafana[0].ingress.pathTemplated | bool | false |
Defines if ingress path uses go templates. |
grafana[0].ingress.hostname | string | "" |
Grafana instance's ingress hostname. |
grafana[0].ingress.hostnameTemplated | bool | false |
Defines if ingress hostname uses go templates. |
grafana[0].ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Grafana instance's ingress annotations. |
grafana[0].ingress.labels | object | {} |
Grafana instance's ingress labels. |
grafana[0].ingress.targetPort | string | "" |
Target port of grafana instance's ingress. |
grafana[0].ingress.tlsEnabled | bool | false |
Enables or disables tls for the ingress. |
grafana[0].ingress.tlsSecretName | string | "" |
Name of the ingress certificate secret. |
grafana[0].ingress.termination | string | "" |
Used in Openshift, dictates where the secure communication will stop. |
grafana[0].service.enabled | bool | true |
Defines if grafana instance's service is enabled. |
grafana[0] | string | grafana-service |
Configurable name for the grafana's service. |
grafana[0].service.ports | list | [{"name": "grafana", "port": 3000, "protocol": "TCP", "targetPort": "grafana-http"}] |
Grafana instance's service ports. |
grafana[0].service.annotations | object | {} |
Grafana instance's service annotations. |
grafana[0].service.labels | object | {} |
Grafana instance's service labels. |
grafana[0].service.type | string | ClusterIP |
Grafana instance's service type. |
grafana[0].service.clusterIP | string | "" |
Specifies your own cluster IP address for the grafana's service. |
grafana[0].client | object | {"preferService": true} |
Grafana client settings. |
grafana[0].compat | object | {} |
Grafana's backwards compatibility switches. |
grafana[0].serviceAccount.skip | bool | false |
Skips the grafana's ServiceAccount creation. |
grafana[0].serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Additional annotations for ServiceAccount. |
grafana[0].serviceAccount.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for ServiceAccount. |
grafana[0].serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets | array | [] |
Additional image pull secrets for ServiceAccount. |
grafana[0].deployment.replicas | int | 1 |
Grafana instance's replicas. |
grafana[0].deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | string | "" |
Grafana deployment termination grace period. |
grafana[0].deployment.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Labels of nodes on which grafana pods are scheduled on. |
grafana[0].deployment.tolerations | list | [] |
Additonal labels for running grafana pods in tained nodes. |
grafana[0].deployment.affinity | object | {} |
Additonal labels for running grafana pods with affinity properties. |
grafana[0].deployment.securityContext | object | {"runAsUser": 472, "runAsGroup": 472} |
Security Context for grafana pods. |
grafana[0].deployment.containerSecurityContext | object | {"runAsUser": 472, "runAsGroup": 472} |
Security Context for grafana pods containers. |
grafana[0].config | object | {"server": {"protocol": "http", "serve_from_sub_path": True}, "security": {"login_remember_days": 365}, "log": {"mode": "console"}, "users":{"allow_sign_up": False}} |
Config of the grafana instance. |
grafana[0].configTemplated | bool | false |
Defines if grafana instance's config uses go templates. |
grafana[0].dashboardLabelSelector | list | [{"matchExpressions": [{"key": "app", "operator": "In", "values": ["grafana"]}]}] |
Label selector or match expressions for grafana dashboards. |
grafana[0].dashboardNamespaceSelector | object | {} |
Namespace selector for grafana dashboards. |
grafana[0].dataStorage.enabled | bool | false |
Defines if grafana instance's data storage is enabled. If defined, grafana operator will create PersistentVolume and PersistentVolume claim for the grafana instance. |
grafana[0].dataStorage.annotations | object | {} |
Additional annotations for the grafana instance's data storage. |
grafana[0].dataStorage.labels | object | {} |
Additional labels for the grafana instance's data storage. |
grafana[0].dataStorage.accessModes | list | [] |
List of the persistent volume access modes. |
grafana[0].dataStorage.size | string | "" |
Grafana instance's persistent volume size. |
grafana[0].dataStorage.class | string | "" |
Grafana instance's persistent volume storage class. |
grafana[0].jsonnet | object | {} |
Label selector for jsonnet libraries. |
grafana[0].livenessProbeSpec | object | {} |
Liveness probe configuration for the grafana container. |
grafana[0].readinessProbeSpec | object | {} |
Readiness probe configuration for the grafana container. |
grafanaDataSource | list | [] |
List of GrafanaDataSource objects. See an example in values.yaml. |
grafanaDashboard | list | [] |
List of GrafanaDashboard objects. See an example in values.yaml. |