Luos comes with a ROS 2 interface in this repository. You can get an example of an application using Luos modules in ROS 2 with the bike sharing example. We will assume you're using ROS 2. If you want to communicate with a ROS 1 ecosystem, follow this quickstart anyway since ROS 2 needs to be installed and then refer to this ROS 1 quickstart.
First install ROS 2 Foxy with FastRTPS, also install colcon
. Then clone this package and compile:
cd ros2_ws/src/ # Or replace by your ROS 2 workspace name, maybe also dev_ws/src
git clone
cd luos_ros2/luos_interface
pip3 install --no-warn-script-location .
cd ~/ros2_ws && colcon build --symlink-install
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
The Luos broker is a node that will automatically publish the detected plugged in Luos modules into ROS. Just plug in your Luos gate and other modules, such as Imu, Color or State, and run the broker:
~$ ros2 launch luos_interface
[INFO] [luos_broker]: Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB0...
[INFO] [luos_broker]: Found modules:
Type Alias ID
Gate gate 1
Imu Imu_mod 2
State button_mod 3
Color rgb_led_mod 5
Note: If you have several Luos gates, you need several brokers. Specify a port and unique name for each of them:
ros2 launch luos_interface device:=/dev/ttyUSB1 name:=brokerUSB1
According the modules you've plugged-in, the broker will automatically publish the revelant topics in the namespace of your modules' aliases.
Here we've plugged a State
module (alias button_mod
), a Imu
module (alias Imu_mod
) and a Color
module (alias rgb_led_mod
) to the gate ; thus the broker publishes the following topics:
~$ ros2 topic list
Most variables advertise both /read
and /write
topics, to get data, write data, or (de)activate this data source. Other types of data might be aggregates of Luos variables (such as the imu) or Luos events.
In order to echo messages from the terminal, use a regular ROS subscriber. For instance here's the current IMU data:
~$ ros2 topic echo /Imu_mod/imu
sec: 1581267954
nanosec: 5449
frame_id: Imu_mod
x: 0.97814
y: 0.052695
z: -0.042831
w: 0.196548
orientation_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
angular_velocity_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
x: 0.177171
y: 0.04968
z: 0.176722
linear_acceleration_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
In order to publish messages to the Luos modules, use a regular ROS publisher. For instance, here's how to light up the Luos RGB module, in pink color:
ros2 topic pub /rgb_led_mod/variables/color/write std_msgs/msg/ColorRGBA "{r: 64, g: 0, b: 64}" --once
This command lines will create a new package my_luos_ros2_package
relying on luos_interface
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
ros2 pkg create my_luos_ros2_package --build-type ament_python --dependencies luos_interface
You can then add your ROS Python scripts, by taking example on the bike sharing example.
- Clock() : timestamp messages with a sub type of clock
- Hardcoded mesh filepath of bike alarm example: ament resources?
- Launch files
- ROS param for publishing rate and device name?
- Subscribers (write access to Luos modules)
- Get all the ttys
- ROS1 bridge
- [~] Integration of all Luos types (2)
- Upgrade to the last pyluos, above 1.2.3 (modules renamed to containers) (1)
- (Auto?) Starting Luos modules data e.g. imu.orientation
- Several imu modules with the same alias -> Publish to /gps1
- Runtime update of pubs/subs when modules are connected and disconnected
- check Windows and MacOS autoconnect
- [~] Integrate doc into
- ROS1-only version
(1) Pyluos > 1.2.3 Update > modules moved to containers > requires gate udpate > requires Luos 0.7.0 > Robus compiling issue
Done/Tested: 3.2.1. Angle : OK / TESTED 3.2.2. Color : OK / TESTED 3.2.3. Controlled motor : OK / TESTED 3.2.6. Dynamixel motor : OK / TESTED 3.2.7. Gate : OK / TESTED 3.2.8. IMU : OK / TESTED 3.2.9. Light : OK / TESTED 3.2.10. Servo motor : OK / TESTED 3.2.11. State : OK / TESTED
In progress: 3.2.4. DC motor : OK / UNTESTED value = Nan? 3.2.5. Distance : OK / UNTESTED defective module 3.2.12. Stepper motor : OK / UNTESTED Luos-io/Documentation#86 + 3.2.13. Voltage : OK / UNTESTED No PlatformIO project