This is an implementation of GPT-4-Turbo assistant on Python.
Ask this GPT any questions you have about this code.
Let me do the job for you : )
put the following code in a file called
<<<<<<< HEAD
# Function to check if Conda is installed
check_conda_installed() {
which conda >/dev/null
# Function to install Miniconda
install_miniconda() {
echo "Downloading Miniconda..."
wget -O
echo "Installing Miniconda..."
bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda
echo "Miniconda installed."
# Function to create and activate virtual environment
setup_environment() {
local env_name=$1
echo "Creating and activating environment '$env_name'..."
conda create -n "$env_name" python=3.8 -y
source activate "$env_name"
echo "Environment '$env_name' is ready."
# Main script execution for Miniconda and environment setup
if check_conda_installed; then
echo "Conda is already installed."
eval "$($HOME/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
setup_environment "$ENV_NAME"
>>>>>>> parent of c181528 (Assistants added and tested working fine.)
# Define the Git repository URL
# Define the directory name of the cloned repository
# Clone the Git repository
git clone $git_repo_url
# Change directory to the cloned repository
cd $repo_dir_name
# Install dependencies from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Ask the user for the OpenAI API key
echo -e "\033[1;32mPlease enter your OpenAI API key: \033[0m"
read openai_api_key
# Create and add the API key
echo "openai_key='${openai_api_key}'" >
# Get the current directory using pwd and store it in a variable
# Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${current_directory}"
# Run the openai_assistant module
python -m chat_bot.openai_assistant
run chmod +x
This will download the repo set the variable and get you up and running.
This guide will help you set up and start using the GPT-4-Turbo-Assistant.
git clone
cd GPT-4-Turbo-Assistant
chmod +x
or continue to perform the rest of hte steps manually
pip install -r requirements.txt
Replace 'your_openai_api_key' with your actual OpenAI API key in
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${current_directory}"
python -m chat_bot.openai_assistant
Follow the menu prompts to create a new assistant.
Choose an assistant from the list Select the option to chat with the assistant.
YouTube video showing how it works kind of recorded QA
Video showing how I added a file to the assistant context
I will go into more detail about it as I explore more, feel free to contribute.
For now, it implements the conversation with the extended context and code interpreter.
- Create assistant
- List existing assistants
- Load existing assistant
- Associate a file in the assistant knowledge
- Associate multiple files in the assistant knowledge
- Update assistant parameters
- Uploading a file and assigning its purpose
- Getting a list of uploaded files
- Deleting a file
- Chat with GPT-4 Turbo with long context
- Loading files in messages
- Auto clean up deleted files from an assistant on file add and update.
This is an implementation of GPT-4-Turbo assistant on Python.
I will elaborate on it as I explore more, feel free to request features or contribute For now it implements the conversation with the extended context and code interpreter.
Todo list
Loading existing assistantLoading a file in the assistants' conversation contextDeleting existing assistantUploading multiple filesDeleting a file from the Assistants conversation contextEditing existing assistantLoading files in messages- Loading existing conversation
- Downloading files from the code interpreter
- Loading images in conversation
- Generating Images with Dali3