This is the MOAC compatible JavaScript API which implements the Generic JSON RPC spec as described in the It's available on npm as a node module, for bower and component as an embeddable js and as a meteor.js package.
chain3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
chain3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- v0.1.23 Update the Buffer allocate methods to avoid the warning messages.
- v0.1.22 Fixed a test in contracTest due to bignumber.js lib, update some dependence pull requests.
- v0.1.21 Fixed the previous bug with lodash.
- v0.1.20 Added admin and txpool RPC methods for VNODE, fixed signature error of zero to support microchain DAPP call functions.
- v0.1.19 Added microchain functions to support microchain DAPP call functions.
- v0.1.18 Adopt the eth-lib to perform the message signing and verifying to avoid signature verifying error.
- v0.1.17 Added RLP encode for non-Hex string before signing and verifying to avoid signature verifying error.
- v0.1.16 Added debug APIs and fixed the unit test error.
- v0.1.15 Added local MOAC sign and verify signature methods.
- v0.1.14 Fixed document errors.
- v0.1.13 Added scs_getBlockList method.
- v0.1.12 Fixed Readme and missing scs_getMicroChainInfo method.
- v0.1.11 Added scs method getMicroChainInfo to work with subchain explorer.
- v0.1.10 Added vnode and scs methods to work with MicroChains.
- v0.1.9 Added new method to get ip for local node.
- v0.1.8 Moved git repository to and fixed some bugs.
- v0.1.7 Fixed uneven signature R & S.
- v0.1.6 A complete package with all tests.
- v0.1.4 First compatible version with MOAC chain.
Some of the methods require running a local MOAC node to use this library. To use vnode methods, need to enable the vnode APIs in MOAC node by: --rpc --rpcport "8545" --rpcapi "chain3,mc,net,vnode"
To use scs methods, need to enable the SCS RPC ports by: --rpc
More information is in or MOAC wiki.
npm install chain3
bower install chain3
meteor add moaclib:chain3
- Include
in your html file. (not required for the meteor package)
Use the chain3
object directly from global namespace:
var Chain3 = require('chain3');
var chain3 = new Chain3();
console.log(chain3); // {mc: .., net: ...} // it's here!
Set a provider (HttpProvider) with VNODE:
if (typeof chain3 !== 'undefined') {
chain3 = new Chain3(chain3.currentProvider);
} else {
// set the provider you want from Chain3.providers
chain3 = new Chain3(new Chain3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
Set a provider (HttpProvider using HTTP Basic Authentication)
chain3.setProvider(new chain3.providers.HttpProvider('http://host.url', 0, BasicAuthUsername, BasicAuthPassword));
There you go, now you can use it:
var coinbase =;
var balance =;
To work with SCS servers, need to enable the rpc port on SCS monitors and set the scsProvider for chain3.
if (typeof chain3 !== 'undefined') {
chain3 = new Chain3(chain3.currentProvider);
} else {
// set the provider you want from Chain3.providers
chain3 = new Chain3(new Chain3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
chain3.setScsProvider(new chain3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8548'));
After set the SCS monitor, now you can use it:
console.log("SCS MicroChain List:", mclist);
console.log("MicroChain state:", chain3.scs.getDappState(mclist[0]));
console.log("MicroChain blockNumber:", chain3.scs.getBlockNumber(mclist[0]));
More examples are under the example directory
- Node.js
- npm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
Require install gulp ( in the system:
npm run-script build
Test all cases. May need to install package mocha first.
Test a singe function.
mocha test/
Example codes to send moac through signed transaction.
var rawTx = {
from: src.addr,
nonce: chain3.intToHex(txcount),
gasPrice: chain3.intToHex(2000000000),
gasLimit: chain3.intToHex(2000),
to: '0xf1f5b7a35dff6400af7ab3ea54e4e637059ef909',
value: chain3.intToHex(chain3.toSha(value, 'mc')),
data: '0x00',
chainId: chainid
var cmd1 = chain3.signTransaction(rawTx, src["key"]);, function(err, hash) {
if (!err){
console.log("Succeed!: ", hash);
return hash;
console.log("Chain3 error:", err.message);
return err.message;
Deploy a contract through chain3 RPC calls. This example requires install solc
build a web server to access the MOAC network using this API library.
Example codes to sign a message using MOAC network and verify the signature.
// Connect with the MOAC network
chain3.setProvider(new chain3.providers.HttpProvider(''));
if (!chain3.isConnected()){
console.log("Chain3 RPC is not connected!");
// Hash the message
let sha3Msg = chain3.sha3("HELLO MOAC!");
// Unlock the account 'tacct.addr' before signing
let signedData =, sha3Msg);
// or you can call the local function to get the same result, but require a private key
let signedData = chain3.signMcMessage(sha3Msg,tacct.key);
// Verify the signature with the message and the address
console.log("Verify:", chain3.verifyMcSignature(sha3Msg, signedData, tacct.addr));
browserify-cryptojs v0.3.1