This is a cleaned up up version of the script I'm using to create packages for internal deployment.
Files: Include this in your packaging script.
copymodes Utility to set correct permissions for system directories.
Sample project: Run this to create the sample package.
payload_root Sample payload.
scripts Dummy postinstall script.
Declare the following variables:
declare -r PKGTITLE="Example Package"
declare -r PKGNAME="Example"
declare -r PKGVERSION="1.0"
declare -r PKGID="com.example.$PKGNAME.pkg"
Source this file:
Copy your payload into "$buildroot", setting modes and ownership as needed:
cp -rp my_payload/* "$buildroot"
with_sudo chown -hR root:wheel "$buildroot"
Build package, passing extra args to pkgbuild as needed (e.g. --scripts):
build_pkg --scripts my_install_script_folder