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Color Examples

Adam Haile edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 3 revisions

The whole point of BiblioPixel is to display varied colors so there are, of course, a multitude of methods to manipulate color data, all contained in bibliopixel.colors.

In BiblioPixel, colors are stored as a tuple of three 1-byte colors values: (R,G,B) Each value in the tuple can range from 0 (off) to 255 (full brightness) for that color channel. Below are some examples of methods that can be used to modify these color values.

Note, all examples below assume you have imported the colors module as follows:

import bibliopixel.colors as colors

Color Scaling

Scaling is simply the process of changing the brightness by a percentage. You can only decrease the color brightness:

a = (255,255,255) #pure white
b = colors.color_scale(a, 128) #scale by 50% (128 is half of 255)
#b now equals (128,128,128) - a light gray

Color Blending

Sometimes you may want to mix two colors together, this can be done via color_blend:

purple = colors.color_blend((255,64,0), (0,32,255))
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