This script is for You Need a Budget (YNAB) users who would like to import their Apple Card transactions in bulk.
- Export your data to CSV from Apple
- Go to your card in the Wallet App
- Click on your balance
- Click on a statement
- Scroll to the bottom and hit 'Export to CSV'
- E-mail the data to yourself.
- You'll see a screen with all your transactions.
- Share it to the Mail app, and then send it to yourself.
- Run Powershell
- On Windows, this is powershell.exe
- On Linux, this is pwsh
- From the prompt, invoke the script on each of your files.
- PS C:\Users\bob\git\Budget> .\Prepare-Data-Ynab.ps1 -AppleCsv 'C:\Users\bob\Downloads\Apple Card Transactions - November 2019.csv' -YnabCsv YnabAppleNovember.csv
- PS C:\Users\bob\git\Budget> .\Prepare-Data-Ynab.ps1 -AppleCsv 'C:\Users\bob\Downloads\Apple Card Transactions - December 2019.csv' -YnabCsv .\YnabAppleDecember.csv
- PS C:\Users\bob\git\Budget> .\Prepare-Data-Ynab.ps1 -AppleCsv 'C:\Users\bob\Downloads\Apple Card Transactions - January 2020.csv' -YnabCsv .\YnabAppleJanuary.csv
- Import into YNAB as normal.