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AWS Backup Utility

AWS Backup Utility copies files to AWS S3.
The utility takes a local directory with files and put it into AWS S3 in the form of one blob file. The user is able to specify what backup he wants to restore and where it should put the files on the local system. The utility can also restore one individual file from a backup.

How to set credentials

Set the default credentials before running the utility (the instruction for all the OS).
An example for linux:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id 
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key

How to build

./gradlew build 

How to test

./gradlew test --info

Rarely the ActionsTest.kt, assuming interaction with AWS, may fail because of network issues. So it may need to run this test twice.

How to use, a quick example

(optional) Build and run a docker container to use it as a sandbox. You can test the AWS Backup Utility inside this docker container.

docker build --build-arg key_id=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} --build-arg key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} -t aws-util:04 .
docker run -it aws-util:04

In this example we create the following folders structure and store 'dir' in AWS S3

└── dir
    ├── dir1
    │   └──
    └── text.txt
mkdir -p ./testUtility321/dir/dir1
echo "text - text - text" > testUtility321/dir/text.txt
echo "Kreks Peks Shmeks" > testUtility321/dir/dir1/

# make the backup
java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar store \
 -i ./testUtility321/dir -k backupTest

# restore the whole directory to ./testUtility321/out-dir
java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar restore \
 -o ./testUtility321/out-dir -k backupTest

# restore a single file to ./testUtility321/out-file
java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar restore-file \
 -o ./testUtility321/out-file -f dir1/ -k backupTest

Delete test folder:

rm -rf ./testUtility321/

How to use, the whole guide

The AWS Backup Utility can be run as a gradle project ./gradlew run --args="<command> <command_arguments>" or as a fat jar java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar <command> <command_arguments>. The following examples are provided for the fat jar.

Backup a directory:

java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar store \
  -i <path to the storing directory> \
  -k <the backup key (i.e. file name) in the S3 bucket> \
  -b <S3 bucket name>

List a bucket:

java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar list-bucket \
  -b <S3 bucket name>

Restore the whole directory:

java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar restore \
  -o <path to the restoring directory> \
  -k <the backup key (i.e. file name) in the S3 bucket> \
  -b <S3 bucket name>

Restore a single file:

java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar restore-file \
  -o <path to the restoring directory> \
  -f <the relative file path from the stored directory root> \
  -k <the backup key (i.e. file name) in the S3 bucket> \
  -b <S3 bucket name>

Delete a backup from the bucket:

java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar delete-backup \
  -k <the backup key (i.e. file name) in the S3 bucket> \
  -b <S3 bucket name>

Delete the whole bucket:

java -jar ./build/libs/AWSBackupUtility-1.0.0.jar delete-bucket \
  -b <S3 bucket name>


An utility for backups to AWS S3







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