course "Supercomputers and Parallel Data Processing" && course "Distributed systems"
v_openmp$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -fopenmp -o run redb_2d.c # build
v_openmp$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 ./run # run
v_mpi$ mpicc -std=c99 -o run_1 redb_2d.c -lm # build
v_mpi$ -n 8 -w 00:30:00 run # run
This version parallelizes the task in the same way as "MPI version", but if one of the processes will be killed, then the program can redistribute calculations among the left processes and continue to work.
v_mpi_stable$ mpicc -std=c99 -o run_1 redb_2d.c -lm # build
v_mpi_stable$ mpirun -np 6 --mca shmem posix --mca opal_event_include poll --map-by :OVERSUBSCRIBE --with-ft ulfm ./run_1
# running on 6 processors
The calculation synchronization algorithm
tree_based_token_algorithm$ mpic++ -o run main.cpp # build
tree_based_token_algorithm$ mpiexec -np 25 --map-by :OVERSUBSCRIBE ./run # run