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Config options

MartB edited this page Aug 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

If you dont know where to put these refer to

Log [log]

format (string)

Specifies which log format pattern should be used.

Default value: [%d.%m %H:%M:%S.%e][%l] %v

Possible options:

level (int)

Sets the log verbosity level of spdlog.

Default value: 3

Possible options:

//Log level enum
typedef enum
    trace = 0,
    debug = 1,
    info = 2,
    warn = 3,
    err = 4,
    critical = 5,
    off = 6
} level_enum;

flush (int)

Sets the log verbosity level that triggers a flush of spdlog.

Default value: 4

Possible options:

See above.

SDKManager [sdk]

Emulated razer device ids (strings)

Sets the device id thats used for accepting device specific effects.

Default values:


Possible options: Check the razerStringToDevID map in the following file.

Warning: No error checking of the device type is made!

RemoteProcedureCall Server [rpc]

processingdelay (long) in milliseconds

Since: 3.2.2
Adds a processing delay to the receive thread on every playEffect call.

Default value: 0

This helps with lowering cpu usage due to software pushing out color updates as fast as the receiver accepts them. If you want to keep your cpu usage low i encourage you to set it to 1 millisecond. But keep in mind that doing that will add a tiny delay. If after that change you experience issues with the application, like lower framerates or dropped frames remove the delay as the sending application might use it in a timing critical part of its main logic.

Every sdk

enabled (bool)

Sets the state of an sdk.

Default value: true

Possible options: true|false

enable_colortransformations (bool)

Specifies whether or not all color transformations are enabled.

Default value: true Possible options: true|false

gamma_adjustment (Vec3D)

Specifies the gamma values used within retc, can be used to brighten / darken colors artificially. The color order is RGB, please do not use any other separators besides a simple space.

Default value: 1.0 1.0 1.0 (not really, its disabled completely by default)

Possible options: Values from 0.0 to X.X tweak it to your liking.

CorsairSDK [sdk.CorsairCueSDK]

exclusivemode (bool)

Specifies whether or not the sdk uses exclusive mode (no other application can access the leds while exclusive mode is enabled).

Default value: false

Possible options: true|false

RazerSDK [sdk.RazerPassthrough]

overwritedevices (bool)

Specifies whether or not the sdk should overwrite the emulated device ids with values obtained from the razer devices connected to the pc.

Default value: true

Possible options: true|false