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MartB edited this page Jan 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

How to install RETC


In order to obtain the latest release visit and download

When the installer finished downloading this step is complete, you should now have it in your specified download folder


Smartscreen Disclaimer

Windows might notify you that the executable could be "unsafe" and will refuse to run it out of the box.
This is due to a combination of me not owning a (for a student quite expensive) code signing certificate and a lack of widespread usage of my program.
Warning example (german)

Click on "More Informations" and then choose "Run anyway".
The executable will now launch.

More informations are available in the Microsoft FAQ about SmartScreen

Lets go, right ?

The "Welcome"

(1) Hit that next button.

The "Legal"

(1) Hit "I Agree" if you read the License Agreement.

Im not trying to sell you hidden stuff, nor do i try to get your soul.
If you want to know more about the license used by RETC check out this link.

The "Real Deal"

(1) If you want to use this software for Overwatch, make sure this checkbox is ticked (Spoiler alert: It is by default).
(2) Hit that next button.

What if i dont want to use it exclusively for Overwatch ?
I got you covered, just check out this part (Patching application) of the installation instructions in order to "patch" your own program.

The proper location

Just leave this as is, 3 MB wont hurt your SSD and i promise im not spamming your disk with log writes.
(1) Smash that next button.

The Wait

I wont tell you to grab a coffee because this installation is way too fast.

We are done now!

Everything should work perfectly fine out of the box without a restart.
If something feels wrong check the troubleshooting section

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