This repository hosts the German translation of the Modern JavaScript Tutorial. The original content is published at
If you want to contribute to the translation fork this repository and go ahead. Submit your work via pull request.
The table of content below indicates already translated chapters via an active link to the translated file. Chapters without a link are stil in the original, english shape.
Please note that the tutorial can run locally using
Every chapter, article or a task has its folder.
The folder is named like N-url
, where N
is a number for the sorting purposes and url
is the URL part with title of the material.
The type of the material is defined by the file inside the folder:
stands for a
stands for an
stands for a task (solution must be provided
file as well)
Each of these files starts from the # Main header
Assets required for the material reside in the same folder.
Bei Übersetzungen von IT-Themen ins Deutsche begegnet man immer wieder Eigennamen, die keine gute Übersetzung finden und deshalb im Original stehen bleiben sollten. Für einige Wendungen gibt es aber durchaus treffende Deutsche Entsprechungen. Die folgende Tabelle sammelt einige Zweifelsfälle um eine einheitliche Verwendung über alle Kapitel im Tutorial zu gewährleisten.
Wortgruppen die im Englischen getrennt geschrieben werden, wie "HTML file", sollten im Deutschen mit einem Bindestrich verbunden werden (HTML-Datei) um eine gute Lesbarkeit zu gewährleisten.
English | Deutsch |
browser | Browser |
code | Code |
command | Befehl |
cookie | Cookie |
engine | Engine |
header | Header |
low-level | systemnah |
page | Seite |
script | Script |
statement | Anweisung |
string | String |
tag | Tag |
tool | Werkzeug |
Moderne Spracheigenschaften: "use strict"
Type Conversions
Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
Conditional operators: if, '?'
Loops: while and for
The "switch" statement
Function expressions and arrows
JavaScript specials
Coding style
Ninja code
Automated testing with mocha
Garbage collection
Symbol type
Object methods, "this"
Object to primitive conversion
Constructor, operator "new"
Methods of primitives
Array methods
Map, Set, WeakMap and WeakSet
Object.keys, values, entries
Destructuring assignment
Date and time
JSON methods, toJSON
Recursion and stack
Rest parameters and spread operator
The old "var"
Global object
Function object, NFE
The "new Function" syntax
Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval
Decorators and forwarding, call/apply
Function binding
Currying and partials
Arrow functions revisited
Property flags and descriptors
Property getters and setters
Prototypal inheritance
Native prototypes
Methods for prototypes
Class patterns
Class inheritance, super
Class checking: "instanceof"
Error handling, "try..catch"
Custom errors, extending Error
Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces
Browser environment, specs
DOM tree
Walking the DOM
Searching: getElement* and querySelector*
Node properties: type, tag and contents
Attributes and properties
Modifying the document
Styles and classes
Element size and scrolling
Window sizes and scrolling
Introduction to browser events
Bubbling and capturing
Event delegation
Browser default actions
Dispatching custom events
Mouse events basics
Moving: mouseover/out, mouseenter/leave
Drag'n'Drop with mouse events
Keyboard: keydown and keyup
Page lifecycle: DOMContentLoaded, load, beforeunload, unload
Resource loading: onload and onerror
Form properties and methods
Focusing: focus/blur
Events: change, input, cut, copy, paste
Form submission: event and method submit
Additional articles
JavaScript animations
Popups and window methods
Cross-window communication
The clickjacking attack
Patterns and flags
Methods of RegExp and String
Character classes
Escaping, special characters
Sets and ranges [...]
The unicode flag
Quantifiers +, *, ? and {n}
Greedy and lazy quantifiers
Capturing groups
Backreferences: \n and $n
Alternation (OR) |
String start ^ and finish $
Multiline mode, flag "m"
Lookahead (in progress)
Infinite backtracking problem
Introduction: callbacks
Promises chaining
Promise API