An iOS app to find mate dealers around you!
This app provides a native iOS environment for the website MateMonkey, meant to find Club Mate dealers all over the world!
Current version: 1.1
- test smart banner deep linking
- implement filtering by the dealers' inventory
Stock filter
- filter dealers by what mate they have in stock
Detect when a user comes from the website and show them the last dealer they looked at
- create new dealer just by lat/lon (without address)
Basic functionality:
- search for dealers on a map
- filter dealers by type (bar, retail, etc.)
- add new dealers and edit existing ones
Minor fixes:
- direct feedback button
- improve phone number sanitation
- edit screen moves up to show otherwise hidden text fields
- show dealer type in detail view
- Stock integration: show and edit a dealer's stock/inventory of mate
Tracked via github's bugtracker
Please have a look at the development branch. If you want to make significant changes to the app, let's first discuss it (just open an issue). Improvements to the code will be happily merged!