- 💪 Have some useful props & functions
- 📦 light library
npm i generic-functions.mlai
yarn add generic-functions.mlai
pnpm i generic-functions.mlai
Once you have installed the module, you can import like this:
// Load all
import * as ml from 'generic-functions.mlai';
console.log( ml.trim('ff fff') );
// ff fff
// only import functions
import * as mlFunc from 'generic-functions.mlai/functions';
console.log( mlFunc.trim('ff fff') );
// ff fff
// only import properties
import { mlProp } from 'generic-functions.mlai/props';
// only import `trim` from the various functions
const { trim } = require('generic-functions.mlai/functions')
console.log( trim('ff fff') );
// ff fff
// only import the `trim` from the module
const { trim: trim2 } = require('generic-functions.mlai')
console.log( trim2('ff fff') );
// ff fff
All contributions are welcome!
generic-functions.mlai is MIT licensed.