is an R
package that provides functions to analyze
energy rebound, the unanticipated reduction of the benefits of energy
efficiency due to behavior change and economy-wide effects. Many
functions perform analysis calculations to move from known parameters to
rebound estimates. Graphing functions (described in the Graphs
vignette) create rebound path graphs in energy, expenditure, and
consumption spaces. Other graphing functions create sensitivity graphs.
The functions in this package were used for the analyses and graphs in
the paper A comprehensive, partial-equilibrium energy rebound analysis
framework by Matthew Kuperus Heun, Gregor Semieniuk, and Paul Brockway,
You can install IEATools
from github with:
# install devtools if not already installed
# install.packages("devtools")
# To build vignettes locally, use
devtools::install_github("MatthewHeun/ReboundTools", build_vignettes = TRUE)
The functions in this package were used in the paper A comprehensive, partial-equilibrium energy rebound analysis framework by Matthew Kuperus Heun, Gregor Semieniuk, and Paul Brockway, 2021.
Find more information, including vignettes and function documentation, at