Tello drone is a wifi controlled RTF drone, developed by by RYZE Robotics Shenzen in cooperation and sold by DJI technology. This features different models: Tello, Tello EDU, RoboMaster TelloTalent, and extended kits like battery Booster or 4x drone swarm.
This is a list of Free Software that can be used esp. with this drone. Get closed source official downloads like docs, apps, ... .
Alternatives to official Android Tello apps
- Drone-keyboard - controll & videostream,
- Telloterm - controll & videostram & gamepad (fka. tello-desktop),
- Drone-control -
- Tellodesk… - controll & videostream & gamepad & map,
- Tello - Linux GTK App,
- Kirogi- KDE App, different types of drones
Alternatives to official Android Tello Edu app or Droneblocks to design batch or interactive automation for the drone.
- Scratch explained with the official extension
- Scratch3-tello
- Node-Red-Tello-Control
- Node-Red-DroneViewer
Tello features official interfaces to develop applications for control & video streaming:
Undocumented details on the wifi protocoll are listed at Tello Pilots Wiki - Protocol.
There are libraries which implement featuresets in different languages and bindings to other frameworks.
- Tello-Python Official SDK,
- TelloPy -
, unmaintained, SDK 1.3 and lowlevel, pretty pythonic with examples, only inline docs- Fork - Logitech F310 gamepad support
- DJITelloPy -
swarm, mission pads, CV2 - EasyTello -
, unmaintained - dji-ryze-tello -
- -
swarms - TelloPython -
flip, reverse engenierd - pytello -
- Tello-nodejs
- TelloJS
- Tello_ROS
(Robot Operrating system) - Flock2
(Robot Operrating system) for swarms - Tello -
- Tello -
- Tello -
- DJITello-Cpp -
- TelloLib -
, Apps for Android and CLI - TelloAPI-SDK-2.0 -
- TelloCommander -
- RyzeTelloSDK -
- DJI-tello -
- Tello4J -
- Tello -
(Gobot framework) - TelloSwift -
- TelloSwift -
- KTello -
- TelloKt -
- DJI-Tello-Dart-Package -
- TelloTS -
- Tello-Processing -
, SDK 1.3 - Tello-drone-matlab -
- Tello Ruby Gem
- Tello Rust package
- telloArduino - Control via ESP32
- m5-block-dji-tello-drone-control ESP32 M5Stack control with
- m5stickcUartUdpBridge Control via micro:bit with radio-UART and
- raspberrypi-controlled-telloControl via RPI
- hack_GamesirT1d Read original drone gamepad controller
- Tello Pilots Wiki - Protocol Reverse engineered (extended) control protocol with all features of the Android App
- RyzeTelloFirmware - hardware details and firmware binaries
- Tello Pilots Forum - Tello PCB and antenna to help fellow crazy modders - PCB
- FCC 2AOOE-WM0041801 - PCB, components
- DJI Tello Forum - general support
- Forum - Forum & wiki discussing mods, coding, reverse-engineering
Applications which show integration and mashups using the Tello.
- Tello ROS ORBSLAM - Global positioning
- Pose Recognition Tello - Control via human body poses
- Tello-openpose
- Hallo - Hand gesture controlled
- DJITelloOpticalControl - Autonomous flight via markers
- Autonomous Navigation via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Constraint Edge Nodes using Transfer Learning - Autonomous flight trained by virtual 3D levels
- Alexa controlled drone - Control via Alexa using a RPI gateway
- Yello - CV and ML using offboard Yolo v3
- Eye in the sky - Face detection and follow-me
- Tello AI features - Face and obstacles detection
- CV 3D Tracking of a person in lock mode no yaw Person 3D tracking and follow-me
- CoviDrone - Cleaning Bot with UV lamps
- Tello Laser Shot - Find targets and point them with a laser
- CNN based dense monocular visual SLAM forindoor mapping and autonomous exploration - Indoor mapping
- Object Detection using Ryze Tello Drone with Help of Mask-RCNN - Object detection
- Tello-drone - Barcode scanner
- Autonomous Indoor Control and Mapping Sistem - This project provides an system for autonomous navigation and mapping, leveraging various technologies like ARUCO markers, Webots simulation, and deep learning object detection through Yolov5 + API Tello Webots - To Simulation like TelloPy library.
- Drone hacking tool analysis - dronesploit - Hijacking using dronesploit-framework