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MeanderingProgrammer edited this page Dec 3, 2024 · 38 revisions


Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim.

Getting Started

Please follow the main repo's README for the most up to date information regarding:

This plugin works with any buffer that has markdown injected anywhere. As a result it is not filetype specific and we allow users to specify which to run on. For example to run on both Markdown and Quarto files:

    file_types = { 'markdown', 'quarto' },

This plugin integrates with lazy.nvim to read any lazy load filetypes you have configured. As a result you can get the same behavior as above + lazy loading with:

    ft = { 'markdown', 'quarto' },

This plugin's main party trick is the ability to get out of the way of the user in 2 ways.

  1. Via mode changes using the render_modes field
  2. Via anti-conceal behavior using the anti_conceal field

Render Modes

The default value is provided below:

    render_modes = { 'n', 'c', 't' },

This means that in normal, command, and terminal modes you'll get a rendered view, and in other modes such as insert the marks added by the plugin will disappear. This behavior along with an alternative is shown below.

Default Modes All Modes
render_modes = { 'n', 'c', 't' } render_modes = true

If you want to use a specific subset of all modes make sure to use the values specified in :help mode(). For example visual mode consists of 3 different types:

  1. Character: v = 'v'
  2. Line: V = 'V'
  3. Block: CTRL-V = '\22'

Notice that the block one is a bit special, since we need to represent the CTRL character in Lua. To do this we use the ASCII value directly which just so happens to be 22.


Anti-conceal is a cursor row based behavior where any marks added by the plugin that are on the same row as your cursor (regardless of mode) will disappear. This allows for a much more fluid editing experience.

The default value is provided below:

    anti_conceal = {
        enabled = true,
        -- Which elements to always show, ignoring anti conceal behavior. Values can either be booleans
        -- to fix the behavior or string lists representing modes where anti conceal behavior will be
        -- ignored. Possible keys are:
        --  head_icon, head_background, head_border, code_language, code_background, code_border
        --  dash, bullet, check_icon, check_scope, quote, table_border, callout, link, sign
        ignore = {
            code_background = true,
            sign = true,
        above = 0,
        below = 0,

If you prefer this can be disabled via:

    anti_conceal = { enabled = false },


For a more in depth look at individual components visit the associated page.

Useful Configuration Options


These allow you to set many different non default options with a single value. You can view the values for these here.

The default value is provided below:

    preset = 'none',


This lets you set whether the plugin should render documents from the start or not. Useful if you want to use a command like RenderMarkdown enable to start rendering documents rather than having it on by default. There are ways to accomplish the same thing with the lazy.nvim cmd option, the point of this feature is to be plugin manager agnostic.

The default value is provided below:

    enabled = true,

Treesitter Injections

This plugin works by iterating through the language trees of the current buffer and adding marks for handled languages such as markdown. For standard markdown files this is the entire file, however for other filetypes this may be only specific sections. This option allows users to define these sections within the plugin configuration as well as allowing this plugin to provide logical defaults for a "batteries included" experience.

The default value is provided below:

    injections = {
        gitcommit = {
            enabled = true,
            query = [[
                ((message) @injection.content
                    (#set! injection.combined)
                    (#set! injection.include-children)
                    (#set! injection.language "markdown"))


These can be used to trigger custom events at different points of the rendering lifecycle.

The default value is provided below:

    on = {
        attach = function() end,

Max File Size

The maximum file size that this plugin will attempt to render in megabytes. This plugin only does rendering for what is visible within the viewport so the size of the file does not directly impact its performance. However large files in general are laggy enough hence this feature. The size is only checked once when the file is opened and not after every update, so a file that grows larger than this in the process of editing will continue to be rendered.

The default value is provided below:

    max_file_size = 10.0,


This is meant to space out how often this plugin parses the content of the viewport in milliseconds to avoid causing too much lag while scrolling & editing. For example if you hold j once you've scrolled far enough down you'll notice that there is no longer any rendering happening. Only once you've stopped scrolling for this debounce time will the plugin parse the viewport and update the marks. If you don't mind the lag or have a really fast system you can reduce this value to make the plugin feel snappier.

The default value is provided below:

    debounce = 100,

Window Options

Window options are used by the plugin to set different window level neovim option values when rendering and when not rendering a file. This is useful for 2 reasons:

  1. To allow options for rendering to be controlled by the plugin configuration so users don't need to set global or ftplugin options to make things work.
  2. Some option values are more useful for appearance and others are more useful while editing.

The default value is provided below:

    win_options = {
        conceallevel = {
            default = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('conceallevel', {}),
            rendered = 3,
        concealcursor = {
            default = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('concealcursor', {}),
            rendered = '',


This lets you set nearly all the options available at a buftype & filetype level. Think of the top level configuration as the default where when the buftype or filetype match these override values are used instead. filetype takes precedence over buftype.

The default value is provided below:

    overrides = {
        buftype = {
            nofile = {
                padding = { highlight = 'NormalFloat' },
                sign = { enabled = false },
        filetype = {},

What this means is for the nofile buftype (the value for LSP hover docs) we disable sign marks. This is because signs do not look good in hover docs which omit line numbers. Similarly you can use this to set different code block rendering in hover docs like disabling padding since that will cause line wraps:

    overrides = {
        buftype = {
            nofile = {
                code = { left_pad = 0, right_pad = 0 },

Less Useful Configuration Options


The log options are largely useful for debugging more complicated issues and for plugin development, but not something you would want running all the time.

The default values are provided below:

    log_level = 'error',
    log_runtime = false,


This configures values related to adding spacing around content. For the most part the default value should work due to common conventions but in some cases may need to be modified.

The default value is provided below:

    padding = {
        highlight = 'Normal',
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