Using the petfood review data from "Amazon Pet Products Reviews" and critical reviews scraped from (detailed in SmartRev project), a BERT classification model using TF Hub BERT module with TensorFlow is structured and deployed on Google AI Platform, with special thanks to this notebook.
The scripts for the model can be found in BERT_Model/trainer Python package. Environmental variables, such as the directory of the model output and location of train and evaluation data, and hyperparameters, including batch size and number of training epochs, passed to the training job are taken by
and relayed to
that contains the TensorFlow Estimator model.
Due to the large size of the model, the training job needs to be in parallel across multiple GPUs. The following command can be used to submit the training job to Google AI platform:
JOBNAME=reviews_$(date -u +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
gsutil -m rm -rf $OUTDIR
gcloud --verbosity=debug ai-platform jobs submit training $JOBNAME \
--region=$REGION \
--module-name=trainer.task \
--package-path=${PWD}/BERT_Model/trainer \
--job-dir=$OUTDIR \
--scale-tier=custom \
--master-machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
--master-accelerator count=4,type=nvidia-tesla-p100 \
--worker-count=5 \
--worker-machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
--worker-accelerator count=4,type=nvidia-tesla-p100 \
--parameter-server-count 3 \
--parameter-server-machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
--runtime-version=1.15 \
--model_dir=$OUTDIR \
--train=gs://${BUCKET}/train.tsv \
--eval=gs://${BUCKET}/eval.tsv \
--batch-size=64 \
The model needs the following packages installed when submitted to Google AI Platform:
- tensorflow-hub
- bert-tensorflow
- gcsfs
script handles installing these packages in the training process.
Note that this script needs to be located in the parent directory of the model scripts.
The trained model can be deployed on Google AI Platform, using the following gcloud
gcloud ai-platform models create ${MODEL_NAME} --regions $REGION
gcloud ai-platform versions create ${MODEL_VERSION} --model ${MODEL_NAME} --origin ${MODEL_LOCATION} --runtime-version=1.15
is the name of the model, MODEL_VERSION
is the assigned version of the model, and MODEL_LOCATION
is the location that the model is saved by the serving_input
function, e.g.
gsutil ls gs://${BUCKET}/MODEL_DIRECTORY/export/exporter/ | tail -1
With the above setting, the evaluation accuracy of the model at the final training step was 0.44, with Precision=0.79
and Recall=1.0
. Compared with the results from the LSTM model structured in SmartRev project, it can be concluded that, in this case, a Recurrent Neural Network model is a better option, both in terms of computational costs, and model performance.