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Result Comparison

Michael Grupp edited this page Jun 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

The metric apps are designed to compare one trajectory to a reference. While this simplifies the usage, the comparison of different results is usually also interesting.

With evo, the result comparison is a separate step. This has the advantage that you can compare the results of a SLAM algorithm X to another algorithm Y without having to run the metrics all over again. And the comparison is independent of the original trajectory file format.


The workflow is that you run the metrics for each trajectory and save the results individually in files by specifying the --save_results argument in the metric app. Have a look at the for an example.

The "result files" are serialized Result objects stored in a zip format that can be read by evo_res.


You can load multiple of those result files with evo_res to compare the different results. To avoid wrong comparisons, it will warn you if it thinks that you compare files that were generated by different metrics (unless --no_warnings is specified).

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