Create a docker that contains rtorrent ready to use.
Rtorrent will restart automatically when it crash or is shutted down.
Docker-rtorrent config file is here.
This docker-rtorrent is preconfigured to work with docker-sickrage.
A bundle including sickrage/rtorrent, ready-to-use, is coming soon on Vagrant.
git clone
cd docker-rtorrent
sudo docker build -t rtorrent_image ./docker_files
##launch as deamon
sudo docker run --name rtorrent -d -p -p -v `pwd`/mounted:/root/mounted rtorrent_image
##Check it's running
sudo docker top rtorrent
Rtorrent scgi is listening on
It means only local services can connect to the scgi interface.
You could install ruTorrent to manage your rtorrent server through a web interface.
a ruTorrent docker is coming soon