- Raspberry Pi Zero W
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+
- Raspberry Pi 3 A+
# ap ssid + ap passphrase
-a / --ap <ap_ssid> <ap_passphrase>
# ap ip address (by default ip pattern 192.168.10.x)
-i / --ip <ap_ip>
# sta ssid + sta passphrase
-c / --client <sta_ssid> <sta_passphrase>
# ISO3166 Country Code for wpa_supplicant (by default FR)
-cy / --country <ISO3166_country_code>
# mode Wi-Fi a = IEEE 802.11a, b = IEEE 802.11b, g = IEEE 802.11g (by default g)
-hw / --hwmode <mode>
# Set only STA (used to update STA configuration)
-so, --sta-only
# Set only AP (used to update AP configuration)
-ao, --ap-only
# no ip forwarding on ap + sta or ap + eth mode
-n / --no-internet
# show script help
-h / --help
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MkLHX/AP_STA_RPI_SAME_WIFI_CHIP/master/ap_sta_config.sh | sudo bash -s -- --ap ap_ssid ap_passphrases --client client_ssid client_passphrase --country FR