Urban Computing Skills Lab Table Of Contents Welcome 0. Introduction to Notebook and beyond Setting up your environment Getting familiar with Notebook Basic Python Syntax 1. Introduction to Python Variables and Operators Strings Numeric Types Operators Control Flow 2. Python in Practice Lists Tuples Dictionaries Functions Exception Handling File I/O 3. Introduction to Numpy Basics of Numpy arrays Universal functions Broadcasting and Computation 4. Introduction to Matplotlib Interactive Plotting Types of Plots Subplots, Text and Annotations 5. Introduction to Statistics* See videos and slides names UCSL_2016 6. Pandas Series and Dataframe Exploratory Data Analysis X. Miscellaneous Plots License Text and Code The text material in this repository including all code samples in the notebooks listed above are released under the MIT License. * Work in collaboration with Dr. Federica Bianco and Dr. Stanislav Sobolevsky