Ivan Gianni', Tommaso Nottoli, Riccardo Alessandro, Federica Pes, and Filippo Lipparini
MoLECoLab Pisa
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
University of Pisa
Via G. Moruzzi 13, I-56124, Pisa, Italy
Pisa, november 2022
diaglib is licensed under the LGPL v2.1 license
diaglib - a fortran library of matrix-free iterative algorithm to compute a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large matrices.
diaglib provides an implementation of two matrix-free algorithms to compute a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a large, possibly sparse matrix.
the available algorithms are
locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient
both algorithms require two user-provided routines to apply the matrx and a suitable preconditioner to a set of vectors. such routines have the following interface:
subroutine matvec(n,m,x,ax)
subroutine precnd(n,m,shift,x,ax)
where n,m are integers and x(n,m) and ax(n,m) are double precision arrays. as using the first eigenvalue in a shift-and-invert spirit is very common, a double precision scalar shift is also passed to precnd.
both implementations favor numerical stability over efficiency and are targeted at applications in molecular quantum chemistry, such as in (full) ci or augmented hessian calculations, where typically m << n.
A simple-minded driver is provided, so that the user can compile the library and test it on toy matrices.