As a part of self study, I have worked on small and simple recipe search to fetch recipes by matching word using a third party API - Food 2 fork
You can see the Demo here [
- I have used coding editor Visual studio code but you use any text editor
- Download Node.js and npm and follow installation steps
- Basic knowldge to create react boilerplate application to work on. Have a look the (tutorial by Gurjot Singh Makkar on[] I like the most.
- Creat account on food 2 fork and get the API to access the Json file. URL will look like this${API_KEY}&q=${recipe}&page=2&count=5
Where we pass the API to access json data file with any word related to recipe or content of recipe to get related list of recipes
- From component, user can search by recipe name or content of the recipe default search with 'Chicken'
- Recipes Component, Will display all the search result in card
- Recipe Component, detailed description of any perticular recipe
- Router Component, Will manage route between recipes and recipe components
Tried to create responsive application using Boostrap 3.3.7
For detailed tutorial, Please visit Youtube channel by Hamza Mirza