installing Airflow using Helm chart. Add the official Apache Airflow Helm chart repository to our Helm installation
- helm repo add apache-airflow updates our local Helm chart repository index using this command.
- helm repo update Install the Airflow chart into the “airflow” namespace. This process sets up the necessary components for Airflow, such as the PostgreSQL database, Redis, scheduler, web server, and worker pods.
- helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow --namespace airflow --create-namespace
Cluster manager = k8s orchestration = airflow Object store = MinIo bash = Spark streaming = flink streamaing data = kafka open table format = inceberg monitoring = prometheus ci/cd = github actions data delivery = trino presto
For each pipline
- Build pipeline docker image.
- Push docker image to a registry
- Create airflow Dag file and k8s yaml file.
- Set docker image tag and a application name in yaml fiel.