I took the following steps, all bootcampers should also do this on there own repos
- Signup on GitHub.com and Install GitHub Desktop on your computer
https://desktop.github.com/ (For Mac and Windows users) https://github.com/shiftkey/desktop#debianubuntu-distributions (For Linux users)
Using Github Desktop create new public repo and publish it on GitHub.com
Install VS Code, we will use it as our code editor
Create a simple hello world html file and name it index.html. Using GitHub desktop commit the code and push it.
Install Node.js
- Install Surge
npm install --global surge
- Generate Surge token by the following command
surge token
Save the surge token in the repo's GitHubs secrets
Watch Introduction to GitHub Actions
- Learn YAML
- Configuring a Github Actions Workflow
Learn and create surge deployment action file in root of your repo in .github/workflow directory like I have done
Make small change in your index.html, commit it and push it again to github.com
Check the action tab to GitHub website and see if the action executed
open website in browser
Submit your github repo URL here in the issues of the assignment repo
For further details, please watch this video link:
NOTE: Assumption is that you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript