A comprehensive Laravel package designed to scaffold and bootstrap API applications with industry-standard practices and patterns. Built for Laravel 11 and PHP 8.3, this package provides a robust foundation for building scalable, maintainable, and secure API applications.
- Docker Integration: Pre-configured Docker environment optimized for Laravel API development
- Package Integration: Automated installation and configuration of essential packages
- Architecture Patterns: Implementation of SOLID principles and common design patterns
- API Versioning: Built-in support for API versioning
- Rate Limiting: Configurable rate limiting strategies
- Caching: Smart caching implementation for optimal performance
- Queue Management: Pre-configured queue workers and job handling
- Documentation: Automated API documentation generation
- Security: Built-in security best practices and middleware
- Testing: Pre-configured testing environment and templates
- PHP 8.3+
- Laravel 11.x
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Composer 2.x
Provides caching functionality for API responses.
use Ajz\ApiBase\Traits\HasApiCache;
class YourController extends Controller
use HasApiCache;
public function index()
// Cache data with a specific key
$data = $this->remember('products', function() {
return Product::all();
}, 3600); // Cache for 1 hour
// Cache with tags
$data = $this->remember('user.1.posts', function() {
return Post::where('user_id', 1)->get();
}, 3600, ['users', 'posts']);
// Remove specific cache
// Work with cache tags
$posts = $this->tags(['posts'])->remember('all.posts', function() {
return Post::all();
Provides monitoring capabilities for API endpoints.
use Ajz\ApiBase\Traits\HasApiMonitoring;
class YourController extends Controller
use HasApiMonitoring;
public function index()
// Record custom metrics
$this->recordMetrics('api.request', [
'endpoint' => 'products.index',
'duration' => 150, // milliseconds
'status' => 200
// Get queue metrics
$queueMetrics = $this->getQueueMetrics();
Provides comprehensive security features for API authentication and authorization.
use Ajz\ApiBase\Traits\HasApiSecurity;
class YourController extends Controller
use HasApiSecurity;
public function generateKey()
// Generate new API key with tier
$credentials = $this->generateApiKey('silver');
// Returns: ['api_key' => '...', 'secret' => '...', 'tier' => 'silver']
public function validateRequest()
// Validate API key
$isValid = $this->validateApiKey($request->header('X-API-Key'));
// Generate request signature
$signature = $this->generateSignature($payload, $secret);
// Verify request signature
$isValid = $this->verifySignature(
public function handleWebhook()
// Generate webhook HMAC
$hmac = $this->generateWebhookHmac($payload, $webhookSecret);
// Verify webhook signature
$isValid = $this->verifyWebhookSignature(
// Store webhook secret
$secret = $this->storeWebhookSecret('payment-webhook', 'secret123', 'Payment processing webhook');
// Get webhook secret
$secret = $this->getWebhookSecret('payment-webhook');
// List all webhook secrets
$secrets = $this->listWebhookSecrets();
// Revoke webhook secret
$revoked = $this->revokeWebhookSecret('payment-webhook');
public function manageApiKeys()
// Revoke API key
$revoked = $this->revokeApiKey('api-key-123');
// Get API key secret
$secret = $this->getApiKeySecret('api-key-123');
// Rotate API key
$newCredentials = $this->rotateApiKey('api-key-123');
// Returns new API key credentials of same tier
Provides static access to caching functionality.
use Ajz\ApiBase\Facades\ApiCache;
// Cache data
$data = ApiCache::remember('key', function() {
return Product::all();
}, 3600);
// Cache with tags
$data = ApiCache::tags(['users'])->remember('user.posts', function() {
return Post::where('user_id', 1)->get();
// Remove cache
Provides static access to monitoring functionality.
use Ajz\ApiBase\Facades\ApiMonitor;
// Record metrics
ApiMonitor::recordMetrics('api.performance', [
'endpoint' => 'users.show',
'duration' => 100,
'memory' => memory_get_peak_usage(true)
// Get queue metrics
$metrics = ApiMonitor::getQueueMetrics();
Provides static access to security functionality.
use Ajz\ApiBase\Facades\ApiSecurity;
// Generate API key
$credentials = ApiSecurity::generateApiKey('gold');
// Validate API key
$isValid = ApiSecurity::validateApiKey($apiKey);
// Generate signature
$signature = ApiSecurity::generateSignature($payload, $secret);
// Verify signature
$isValid = ApiSecurity::verifySignature($payload, $signature, $secret, $timestamp);
// Webhook operations
$hmac = ApiSecurity::generateWebhookHmac($payload, $secret);
$isValid = ApiSecurity::verifyWebhookSignature($payload, $signature, $secret);
$secret = ApiSecurity::storeWebhookSecret('webhook-id', 'secret', 'description');
$secret = ApiSecurity::getWebhookSecret('webhook-id');
$secrets = ApiSecurity::listWebhookSecrets();
$revoked = ApiSecurity::revokeWebhookSecret('webhook-id');
// API key management
$revoked = ApiSecurity::revokeApiKey($apiKey);
$secret = ApiSecurity::getApiKeySecret($apiKey);
$newCredentials = ApiSecurity::rotateApiKey($apiKey);
// In your controller
public function show($id)
return $this->cacheService->remember(
fn() => Product::findOrFail($id),
['products', "product-{$id}"]
//[email protected]
// In your routes/api.php
->group(function () {
Route::get('/products', [ProductController::class, 'index']);
// Set up monitoring in your service layer
$this->monitoringService->recordMetrics('cache', [
'key' => 'product_fetch',
'value' => $duration
// Verify signed requests
if (!$this->securityService->verifyRequestSignature($request)) {
return response()->json(['error' => 'Invalid signature'], 401);
//Seed the rate limit tiers:
//bashCopyphp artisan db:seed --class=RateLimitTiersSeeder
//Consider adding indexes in the future based on your query patterns:
//phpCopy// Example of adding an index later if needed
Schema::table('api_metrics', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->index(['metric_type', 'created_at']);
//Recording metrics:
'metric_type' => 'cache',
'metric_name' => 'cache_hits',
'endpoint' => '/api/products',
'value' => 1,
'recorded_at' => now()
//Checking rate limits:
//phpCopy$apiKey = DB::table('api_keys')
->where('key', $request->header('X-API-Key'))
$tier = DB::table('rate_limit_tiers')
->where('name', $apiKey->tier)
//Aggregating daily metrics:
//phpCopy// Example of a daily aggregation job
DB::raw('MIN(value) as min_value'),
DB::raw('MAX(value) as max_value'),
DB::raw('AVG(value) as avg_value'),
DB::raw('COUNT(*) as count')
->whereDate('created_at', now()->subDay())
->groupBy('metric_type', 'metric_name', 'endpoint')
->each(function ($metric) {
'metric_type' => $metric->metric_type,
'metric_name' => $metric->metric_name,
'endpoint' => $metric->endpoint,
'min_value' => $metric->min_value,
'max_value' => $metric->max_value,
'avg_value' => $metric->avg_value,
'count' => $metric->count,
'date' => now()->subDay()->toDateString()
use Ajz\ApiBase\Services\Base\EnhancedCacheService;
use Ajz\ApiBase\Services\Base\PerformanceMonitoringService;
use Ajz\ApiBase\Services\Base\SecurityService;
class ProductController extends Controller
protected $cacheService;
protected $monitoringService;
protected $securityService;
public function __construct(
EnhancedCacheService $cacheService,
PerformanceMonitoringService $monitoringService,
SecurityService $securityService
) {
$this->cacheService = $cacheService;
$this->monitoringService = $monitoringService;
$this->securityService = $securityService;
public function index()
// Verify request signature for sensitive endpoints
if (!$this->securityService->verifyRequestSignature(request())) {
return response()->json(['error' => 'Invalid signature'], 401);
$startTime = microtime(true);
$products = $this->cacheService->remember('products:all', function () {
return Product::with(['category', 'variants', 'prices'])
}, null, ['products']);
$duration = microtime(true) - $startTime;
$this->monitoringService->recordMetrics('cache', [
'key' => 'products_fetch',
'value' => $duration
return response()->json($products);
The MIT License (MIT)