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MQTT KPI Collection Project

Simple application stack showcasing how data could be collected (from sensors), stored and monitored using Docker, MQTT, Grafana, PostgreSQL and some simple Java Containers.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

First of all you need to have two things installed:

  • Docker: container runtime to run paravirtualized workloads
  • docker-compose: allows to deploy a stack of containers

Second, you need to clone this repository:

git clone

Now move into the cloned repository

cd kpi-collection

and deploy the stack on your local machine

docker-compose up

This will take a while on first startup as all of the containers need to be pulled (= downloaded) from the container registry first, before they can startup. The stack will get restarted on every startup of your host system. If you do not want that have a look at the restart command in the docker-compose.yaml for available options.

Stop may stop your stack by calling docker-compose down.

Stack services/ components

The following is an explanation of all the components involved and configured in the docker-compose file. You may skip this section and just read the compose file if your already familar with docker-compose.


The official PostgreSQL docker image is used to store KPI values as well as images. The database server listens on default port 5432 for connections. Data is inserted by the Database-Connector using JDBC and read by Grafana.

The Postgres container creates the kpis database with the following tables on first startup:

Table name Description
kpi Stores all KPI values from clients (= devices) made at a certain point in time
images Stores all images made by clients (= devices) at a certain point in time
units Table of all available units

The following users will also be created on first startup:

Username Password Superuser Additional information
admin pw Yes Database owner with all privileges
grafanareader pw No Just read privileges on all tables in schema kpis
dbcon pw No Just insert privileges on tables kpis.kpis and kpis.images

To see the actual commands that are executed before the database server starts up have take a look at PostgreSQL/sql-scripts/. Likewise the PosgreSQL configuration can be found here.

Hint: Port 5432 is also exposed on the host so you may also connect to the databse using your local pgAdmin or psql installation.


PgAdmin as a web client for PostgreSQL and can be used to manage, monitor, query a Posgres server in the browser. The web server exposes port 80 on the host machine as well as in the MQTT-Net.

The PostgreSQL server is already pre-configured on startup for connecting to the database server as admin user.


Java application that subscribes to the Mosquitto MQTT message broker using the MQTT wildcard # and therefore gets all messages sent to all topics over this broker except $SYS messages. All messages of a certain topic must adhere to a certain pattern for the database connector to be able to put them into the correct table. The following table shows how different messages must be structured when posted to a certain topic:

Topic Purpose Format Validation
/kpi/<kpi-name>/<client-ID> Use this topic to store numeric KPI values into the database Byte encoded JSON which must validate against JSON schema kpi_msg_schema.json Yes. The sent JSON data will be checked against the JSON Schema
/images/<kpi-name>/<client-ID> Use this topic to store images into the database TODO TODO

Hint: You may use JSON Schema Tool or JSON Schema Lint to validate your JSON against the JSON Schema.


Name Description Example
<kpi-name> Name of the KPI engineTemp
<client-ID> Unique ID according to the MQTTv5 standard. MUST be exactly 10 characters long! temp-pub01


Grafana is used to monitor and visualize the KPIs stored in PostgreSQL. The grafana container exposes its web GUI on port 3000.

You can login to Grafana with the default credentials:

Username Password
admin admin

Grafana comes already preconfigured (= "provisioning" in Grafana terms) with the PostgreSQL database as a datasource as well as a dashboard to monitor temperatures. Take a look at Grafana folder to see the configuration files necessary to provision Grafana.

Mosquitto MQTT message broker

The official Eclipse Mosquitto docker image is used as a MQTT message broker. As the message broker exposes port 1883 within the MQTT Network and on the host you may install mosquitto_sub and subscribe e.g. to all sent MQTT messages using mosquitto_sub -v -h localhost -p 1883 -t "#". This will subscribe to all messages sent to the message broker and print the message topic as well as the payload on screen.


A simple Java application which generates mock temperature data and sends it to the MQTT message broker every x seconds. This MQTT clients just serves as an simple example of a sensor which is measuring data.

Further information can be found in the repository for the MQTT-Temp-Publisher.


MinIO is an S3 compliant object storage which is used here to store images made by the Raspberry Pi camera and images processed/ created by the AI models. Additionially it will serve those images via HTTP. The MinIO API is made available on port 9000 and the management GUI is served on port 9001.

You can login to the GUI (and private buckets) using the following credentials:

Username/ Access-Key Password/ Secret-Key
admin alongerpw

On first startup of the container two buckets will be created:

Bucket Policy Purpose
model-images download Store the images from AI model downscaled and reconstructed
camera-images download Store images made by the RaspberryPi camera

Outlier Detector

Python program which processes a picture taken by the RaspberryPi camera, runs it through an AI model (= auto encoder) and the determines whether the image is an outlier (= different from the images the model has been trained with) or not. Once the model has calculated a result the input image as well as the reconstructed image are uploaded to and the URLs/ paths to those images as well as other information such as quadratic error and timestamp will be sent to the Outlier Detection Webapp so it can visualize the results.

Outlier Detection Webapp

Webapp to show and monitor outliers detected by Outlier-Detector. The backend runs a WebSocket server listening for results from the Outlier-Detector on port 5000.


Docker user-defined network which all of above services are connected to. This network is separate from you host network and allows i. a. to use domain names names instead of IP addresses making use of docker's service discovery.

Associated repos

Here are the links to all the associated repositories:


Copyright 2021 Thomas Pilz

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Project for collection and storage of KPIs.







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