Kubernetes DNS updater is a tool watching Kubernetes nodes status changes and update the Round Robin DNS accordingly. This is useful when running an on premise cluster with a simple DNS load balancing. This to avoid manual intervention when a node fails down or is going into maintenance.
We've made this application at MySocialApp in order to have automatic changes to:
- Add a node in the round robin DNS when a node is uncordoned
- Remove a node from the round robin DNS when a node is drained
Simply copy the binary and the example configuration file config.yaml.example to config.yaml. Then update the configuration with your information:
# Use node name (node) or dns name (dns) IP to update DNS
UpdateDNSType: node
# Wanted entries in the Round Robin DNS
WantedRrDNSEntries: 3
# DNS info
Name: "my-round-robin.domain.com"
Type: A
TTL: 120
Proxied: false
# Credentials
Zoneid: ""
Zonename: ""
Email: ""
Key: ""
Then launch the binary in the same folder than the configuration file.
You can deploy it with the provided HELM chart. First update the values.yaml file:
KduImageVersion: v0.3
# node-role.kubernetes.io/node: "true"
KduRbacEnabled: true
# Global Config
KduGlobalUpdateType: node
KduGlobalMaxDnsEntries: 10
# DNS Info
KduInfosName: "your_rr_record"
KduInfosType: A
KduInfosTtl: 120
KduInfosProxied: false
# Cloudflare API
KduCfZoneId: "your_id"
KduCfZoneName: "your-domain.com"
KduCfEmail: "your_mail"
KduCfKey: "your_key"
Then deploy it into your cluster:
helm install --values kubernetes/values.yaml kubernetes
- Support only CloudFlare provider
- Support a limited number of DNS entries in RR (in progress)
- When booting, validate the current status and update accordingly the DNS (in progress)
- Add Ingress support and detect ingress readiness before adding back in RR
- Add Ingress support and detect if an ingress readiness is failing to remove from RR
- Add prometheus metrics