This repository contains the technical documentation for the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP), maintained and developed at the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC). The latest documentation, as well as documentation for previous versions, can be viewed at the DTC website.
The documentation is generated with Sphinx, using the reStructuredText (.rst) files in the CCPPtechnical/source directory. Output can be generated in HTML or PDF formats.
In order to create the technical documentation as described below, Sphinx and its extension sphinxcontrib-bibtex need to be installed on the system. If PDF output is required, TeX/LaTeX must also be installed.
Sphinx can be installed in various ways (see, for example using Anaconda:
conda install sphinx
conda install -c conda-forge sphinxcontrib-bibtex
Comprehensive TeX/LaTeX distributions are provided for Windows, macOS and Linux. For more information see
To generate the technical documentation:
- Clone the repository.
git clone
- Build the HTML document.
cd ccpp-doc/CCPPtechnical
make html
This will generate HTML files in ./build/html. 3. Build the PDF document.
cd ccpp-doc/CCPPtechnical
make latexpdf
This will generate a PDF file ./build/latex/CCPPtechnical.pdf.