Initialization: The algorithm begins by randomly generating a population, where each individual represents a list of words with their starting coordinates and orientations on the crossword grid.
Fitness Evaluation: Fitness of each crossword is evaluated using a fitness function. This function checks for proper word placement, grid connectivity, and penalizes incorrect placements.
Parent Selection: Two parents are selected from the population based on their fitness scores. Individuals with the highest fitness scores are chosen as parents.
Crossover: New offspring is created by randomly selecting words and their parameters (coordinates, orientation) from one of the parents.
Mutation: The offspring undergoes mutation with a certain probability (0.6 in this case), which may involve changing words, coordinates, or orientations.
Replacement: The new population includes the offspring and individuals from the old population with the highest fitness scores until the population size is reached.
Termination: The process continues until a stopping criterion is met, such as finding a solution with fitness 0 or reaching a maximum number of iterations.
The fitness function evaluates the quality of a crossword puzzle. It penalizes disconnected grids, improper placements, and crossings of words, guiding the evolutionary process toward better solutions.
- Crossover: Offspring is created by randomly selecting words from two parents while maintaining word order.
- Mutation: With a certain probability, mutation occurs, introducing changes to the crossword grid, including altering words, coordinates, or orientations.
- Population Size (max_population_size): 1000
- Mutation Rate (mutation_rate): 0.6
- Grid Size (grid_size): 20
My rpogram can solve the task for a maximum of 4 words. For 5 or more words, it may get stuck in a local maximum, which I couldn't resolve.