In development.
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
Build Docker images:
$ docker-compose build
Run them:
$ docker-compose up
NOTE: You may want to run them in background, so just add --detach
Now you can reach the services:
- http://localhost:3000/ -- frontend
- ws://localhost:10000/ws -- WAMP router (you don't need it unless you are a developer)
Q: How to run the local development version of the frontend/backend?
A: It is recommended to use docker-compose
to run all the services and then stop the one that
you want to develop locally (docker-compose stop frontend
). (Follow the execution instructions
written in the relevant README file of the subproject)
Q: How to query Explorer backend from CLI?
A: Having the backend running, you can query it from CLI just like you can do from the frontend using wamp-cli:
$ npm install wamp-cli
$ ./node_modules/.bin/wampc ws://localhost:10000/ws near-explorer
>'com.nearprotocol.mainnet.explorer.contract-info', ["aurora.near"]).then(console.log);
Q: How to auto-format the source code on commit?
A: Use npm install
from the root of the project, so it sets up the git hooks which
automatically run prettier
on every commit. (We wish we don't need to have the root
, but husky does not support
subpackages nicely)
To contribute to NEAR Explorer, please see CONTRIBUTING.
Most real-time collaboration happens in a variety of channels on the NEAR Discord server, with channels dedicated for getting help, community, documentation, and all major contribution areas in the NEAR ecosystem. A good place to ask for help would be the #general channel.
NEAR Explorer is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).