Version 4.0.0
NOTE: This is a major release with breaking changes. Review the breaking changes here.
Assemblies made for UnityDoorstop 3 will not work without migration!
New features:
- Merged UnityDoorstop.Unix into the main codebase. As a result, added Linux and macOS builds.
- Added options to enable mono debugger without special dnSpy assemblies. See guide.
- The target assembly's directory is now always added to mono search path by default, allowing to overwrite default assembly searching behaviour.
Major changes:
- Il2Cpp assemblies are now run using CoreCLR runtime instead of mono.
- Configuration option names have been changed for both config file and CLI. See all changed CLI options.
- The entrypoint was changed to
.- The entrypoint is always assumed to have no arguments. All relevant parameters are now passed solely via environment variables.