A dark vim colorscheme, inspired mainly by vim-two-firewatch but using colors from apprentice and some code from both apprentice and monokai-tasty. All credit for the source code goes to the original authors. I just put it all together in a way that matched what I like and I hope to grow this colorscheme with my own ideas and improvements in the future.
The name is inspired by Brandon Sanderson's awesome book series Mistborn
To install the colorscheme you can either:
- Use a plugin manager such as vim-plug.
Add the following to your vimrc and run PlugInstall
Plug 'Nequo/vim-allomancer'
- Manually clone/download the repo and move the file allomancer.vim to ".vim/colors/"
Once installed add the following to your .vimrc
set termguicolors "Remove this in urxvt
colo allomancer
This is still a work in progress and the colors I use aren't in the 256 xterm colorspace. One "workaround" that I use is to use the matching colorscheme for your terminal so that the colors defined by the cterm calls match the gui ones. Here's an example .Xresources file that you can use. Plug it into terminal.sexy and export to your terminal's format.
*.foreground: #abb2bf
*.background: #282c34
*.color0: #282c34
*.color8: #55606d
*.color1: #e06c75
*.color9: #af5f5f
*.color2: #87AF87
*.color10: #87AF87
*.color3: #D7AFAF
*.color11: #FF875F
*.color4: #6E88A6
*.color12: #6E88A6
*.color5: #D18EC2
*.color13: #875faf
*.color6: #5fafaf
*.color14: #5fafaf
*.color7: #ABB2BF
*.color15: #ECEFF4
It's also available in the repo as allomancer.Xresources.
Since this is the first iteration of the colorscheme, I don't have a vimrc cway of changing colors. However, it is quite easy to do so yourself. Here's some things you can do:
Change a specific color. Do this by just changing the corresponding hex value at the start of the colorscheme file
Change the highlighting of some token. Just find the corresponding token and change the associated function arguments (order is: fg,bg,formatting) Remember to check that you remove anything you are changing from the links dictionary if it is in there as the first argument as that will link the token to something else and the links are done last.
Add highlighting for some token. This can be done by adding a line with the Highlight function and the Highlight group of what you're trying to highlight.
A quick tip is to add the following to your .vimrc in order to check the highlight group of what your cursor is on when you press F10 (or remap it to some other key):
map <F10> :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<'
\ . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<"
\ . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"<CR>
Here's some samples of what it looks like for me in gnome-terminal with the Iosevka font: